Human Magic!

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We Open up in the Apartment as Tohru and Kanna were watching A Magic show on TV And soon they saw A Magician On TV Bend A Spoon with his Mind, but in reality, it was Just A Trick.

But Tohru and Kanna didn't know that.

Tohru: AAH! Did you see that!? He Just bent that Spoon with his Mind!

Kanna: I Know, he Must be A Powerful Wizard

Tohru: We Have to learn this skill!

The two of them then Grabbed some spoons and tried to bend them with their Minds but They Bent them with their fingers.

Tohru: AAH! It didn't work!

Kanna: Maybe we're not trying hard enough

Tohru: Right, but we need more spoons

They both looked at the kitchen table and they then began to bend every spoon and fork there!

Kobayashi: TOHRU!

Tohru: AAGH!

Kobayashi: What are you doing?

Kanna: We were learning Human Magic

Tohru: Yeah A Man bent A Spoon with his Mind

Y/n: Hey, What Happened With the spoons? Oh, I could just cry!

You then Pulled out A Hankerchief and then began Pulling out A Bunch of Handkerchiefs.

Kanna: Wow. He knows Magic


Y/n: What are you talking about? It's Just sleight of Hand (Thoughts) Okay she's not wrong though

Tohru: You have to Teach me!

Y/n: Okay it's not Magic it's Just A Trick, anyone can do it. Besides, you have real Magic

Tohru: But not this Magic! It's way cooler!

Kanna: I found this Book in his room

She Pulled out A Book about Psychic Abilities.

Tohru: Wow, so that's how you use Magic! I shall learn it!

Y/n: Tohru, that's A Fictional Book! It doesn't mean anything

Kobayashi: Disbelief is the destroyer of Cults

Tohru: I Know right, Now let's learn Magic!

Kanna: Yeah!

Tohru: Oh Let's fix your spoons first

She then used Magic to fix the spoons.

Later at the Mountains...

Tohru and Kanna were Meditating under A Waterfall, as Soon A Log fell on top of Tohru's head and Splintered on Impact but she really didn't notice.

Tohru: Hmm, This is going too slowly

Y/n: I can add Training Music. Thankfully I keep Training Music on my Phone

You then Played A Song on your phone as the Training began!

The Training Montage went down with Meditation, Stretching, Sparring, Clairvoyance, Phototelepathy, Sparring, and even Taking down A Bear by giving it Love, and soon we finally got to the Moment of Truth.

Tohru: AGH! I CAN'T DO IT!

Y/n: It's not about Strength Tohru it's about Sleight of Hand. Like this

You then bent it very easily.

Tohru: Oh Come on! This is not Fair!

Kobayashi: Can't you let it go?

Tohru: No I can't! I just can't! I can't let any Human be better than me, Because those stupid Humans are Inferior and I can't let them win! I can't never ever never let it go!

Y/n: (Thoughts) Maybe It's because she wants to understand Humans better, but she can't learn everything which makes them confusing. I can understand that. I've been in the same Place Once 

You then took the spoon from Tohru and showed her.

Y/n: Okay you need to find the spoon's center of Gravity and then here you bend it so easily. Here sleight of Hand

Tohru Just confusing look back and forth and back again several times until she looked back at you.

Y/n: You Know Tohru you should stop focusing on what makes other people special and Focus on what makes you special

Tohru: Thanks Y/n. Now Let me show you what makes me special! Watch Closely!

Y/n: Good but don't break

Tohru: Okay I can't do anything then...

Kanna: I can produce electricity 

Kanna then Began charging her Body up.

Y/n: Oh Cute, Like A Pikachu

Kobayashi: Yeah that is cute

Tohru Just Pouted in response.


You were all watching A talent show when A Beautiful woman goes into A Box ready to teleport.

Tohru: Ah, Here it comes!

You and Kobayashi then Turn your heads back to the Screen and without notice, Tohru disappeared, and when the Box opened up Tohru appeared instead and confusion goes around the Audience on screen.

Kobayashi Just did A Spit Take as you just smirked.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Tohru you Smart Little Dragon you, you Managed to Pull A Magic trick on All of Us

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