『 C H A P T E R 3 』

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T I M E  S K I P
• After School

You we're waiting for April at the school entrance , but you weren't really focused on your surroundings but you were just on your phone chatting your mother if you could go home later since you're gonna hangout with your friend April .
Let's just say your mom allowed you , she's glad that you have a friend you met after transferring to your new school .

| You're still friends with Liam , He's just a busy friend of yours . And you would hang out sometimes outside the school or have a small chat with him when you both are in the same class . |

"Heya [Y/N]!"
You hear April call out your name , you turned your phone off to look at April waving at you with her backpack . You waved back at her.

"So..where do you want to hang out at?"
You asked her as you put your phone in your pocket before leaning on the wall.
"..Well..uh..At Mike Lou Tony's Pizza! They have good Pizzas there!"
She replied with a smile before she says something else.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰

A T  M I K E  L O U  T O N Y ' S


— • A P R I L • —

As we walked inside the restaurant . I looked at [Y/N] Noticing a bit of a distress expression .

"You alright [Y/N] ? "
I questioned with a bit of a concerned tone as I rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Ah- it's nothing April don't worry"
They replied as they looked at me giving a reassuring smile.
"If you say so..I guess-"
I replied back giving their back a little pat before we headed to a empty seat for 2 people.


.             .            .
"We'll take pineapple pizza!"
I replied to the waiter as he nodded

"So.. pineapple pizza.."
He mumbled loudly to himself as he write on a paper pad
"Anything else ma'am?"
The waiter questioned

"That's all sir."
[Y/N] replied
"Alright, thank you for your orders."
The waiter nodded and walked away.

"Anyways uh— I got this one dream last night- I know it's just a dream and all- but I kind of had this dream in my mind for a little while so I'll just spill it anyways."

"Tell me more" I said

[Y/N] explains about the dream , not mentioning the first part of it . As they basically don't really want to talk about their past bullies . But only mentioning April and the other guy beside her , mentioning how april seemed to have a conversation with that person . ( Forgot to mention in the previous chapter ) and uh- his appearance ig

"And uh- I think they also has this big purple thing on their back . I can tell it's totally a pretty weird dream but you know. A dream is just dream . Right??"
[Y/N] Shrugged while I basically looked away thinking about—

I suddenly I heard a voice of another male and looked up at the owner of the voice , it was one of the waiters he also had our order in his hand

"Here's your pineapple pizza , enjoy your pizza!"



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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