Beast Titan

271 11 0

Season 2 


12 hours before: South of wall Sina.

You were brought to an old castle. Seemed like some type of outpost. They stripped your uniform So, you were wearing your casual clothes. The grey shirt was given by Krista with sleeves rolled up, black trousers, and dark brown el Paso boots. They bought you a room where you saw the rest of the scouts. Connie, Sasha, Krista , Reiner , Berthold , Reiner and Ymir.

Krista- Aether!

Connie- They got you too??

Sasha- Welcome to the boredom!

Aether- Have you guys been sitting here the whole time??

Krista ran towards you and holds your hand.

Ymir- Hey Krista! I have something to tell you.

Krista- Not now, Ymir.

You both settled down and after an hour the boredom set in.

Aether- I see what you guys meant.

Connie- My hometown is not that far from the south. You know? I will try sneaking out at night.

Sasha- My hometown is also not that far...I really wanna go there. But ...they told me to not return until I am normal.

Connie- Mine told me...that I was too puny to be a soldier. I will make them eat their words.

You were looking outside the window.

Krista pokes your back.

Aether- It is kinda odd...that we weren't in our uniform nor did we have our gear...meanwhile the soldiers out there are fully armed and have spare blades.

Connie- There are bears around this area.

Aether- They are armed like they are going to fight titans.

Krista- Maybe you are paranoid. You were very busy after the 57th expedition.

Aether- I guess.

Sasha- I hear thuds.

Aether- Like titans???

Sasha- YEAH!


You looked outside and a scout came flying through the window.

Nanaba- Titans are coming! 500 meters from the south! No time to gear up just evacuate the villages nearby! and run towards the inner walls.

Connie- From...the south?

Reiner- The wall has been breached...?

You all got on your horses and rode off.

Mike- We will scatter around into 4 groups after the titans reach the forests. Is anyone familiar with this region?

Sasha- M-me! I know the lay of the land from of the north. And Connie knows well too! C-Connie?

Conny's face was kinda a face of fear and worry. He is scared because the titans were coming from the south where his village is.

Connie- My village the south where the titans are coming from...I can show you to other villages but please...let me visit mine.

Mike- Alright soldier. You will lead the southern team.

Aether- I am coming with you, Connie.

Connie- The south is crawling with's dangerous.

Aether- I am coming with you either way!

Krista- I will come too!

Ymir- Same here.

Reiner- Can you handle it Ymir?

Ymir- I can handle myself, Reiner.

Nanaba- Today is the darkest day in humanity. If humanity needs to give its is time!

Mike- The titans reached the forests! SCATTER!!

The titans switched directions and headed straight for the group.

Mike- Gelger! take charge of the team!

Gelger-  OKAY SIR! He will make it back he is second to captain Levi.

Scout Regiment HQ

Levi- Those titans never give us a break.

Erwin- Can you go?

Levi- Not like I have a choice.

Scout- It was nice to have captain Mike watch over 104th cadets. I believe he can handle it.

Erwin- Let's hope for the best.

                                                                                         -To be continued

(A/n- I am excited!! Clash of titan arc is one of my favorite arcs and for Zeke fans)THE MONKE IS HERE)

The Queen's Beast (Historia Reiss x Male! Oc) A.O.T  ✔Where stories live. Discover now