Old Story

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A couple of days ago

??? Area

 Rod- Please forgive me for everything. To protect you, I had no other choice.

Historia- F-father...

Rod- I was always thinking about you. I have always dreamed of the day I could hold you like this. You're special... Royal blood runs through you.

Historia- It does...?

You were just looking at them with tired eyes. Your hands started to bleed as the ropes were tightly tied. You passed out as your wounds quickly regenerated.

Historia- He-

Rod- yes it does. Our Reiss family is the true royal line. And because you're special, you're the one and only person who can save all of humanity. Now, let us go, Historia. To the place, it all began...

Levi squad

Both of them went upstairs.

Eren- AETHER?! He will be eaten?!

Hanji- Yeah. Aether doesn't know how but, through some method he learned how Titans like him and Eren, become Titans, through some process of eating a person, but not any person, someone who can transform into a Titan. If a Titan eats someone with that power, they revert into a human. Furthermore, they obtain the power of those they eat. In the other day's battle, Reiner was throwing Titans at Eren and Aether, who had escaped. Eren, you and Aether have the power to control the Titans. He was trying to snatch that power with those Titans. In that case, Eren and Aether are just vessels that are bound to be replaced. If the government has a Titan of their own, it'll be the one to eat Aether.

Eren- We have to get them back!!!

As Eren was about to leave Levi caught him.

Levi- If you go rampage they won't give them back to you.

Hanji- I'll go tell Erwin about the information we got about the Reiss Family.

Levi- Go.

Erwin- I found as much as I could. From all, I learned one curious incident stuck out.

Hanji- Incident?

Scout- Commander Erwin! The interior Squad demands you turn yourself in! They're making a scene in the middle of the city you organized a murder!

Erwin- It seems the enemy's been making plans of their own. Hanji, get far from here.

Hanji- What are you planning to do?!

Erwin- I need to be the face of the Scout Regiment. You should act at your own discretion. Furthermore, the next commander of the Scout Regiment... Hanji Zoë, it's you. The Scouts are in your hands.

Erwin put on his jacket and walked out of the room then he went out.

MP Officer- I take it you know who this is, Erwin?

Erwin- Boss of the reeves company. Dimo Reeves.

MP Officer- Yesterday, and in this very place, Eren Yeager was abducted by underlings of Reeves. However... that was all a mere scheme between the Scouts and Reeves Company in order to evade handing over Eren Yeager and Aether Fou Rosario to the government. And then... when Reeves was no longer needed, they killed the man to keep him from talking. The murderer is still at large and must be holed up with Eren and Aether.

Erwin- that's a convenient story.

MP Officer- What you scoundrels are doing... It's the same as monopolizing Eren and Aether's power for yourself. And that act violates clause six of the Humanity Charter. You know which that one is, don't you?

Erwin- To prioritize own's gain over the safety and longevity of humanity, yes?

MP Officer- That's right. Therefore, in acknowledgment of violating said law, all Scouts are to be apprehended!

And what was said, was done, the Scout Regiment and everyone in it was arrested and brought into cells.

Kenny- You think the fat cats will finally be satisfied? I bet 

Back with Erwin, he was about to be put into a wagon but had to say one more thing to the Reeves family.

Dimo's wife- Get away from my husband, you lowlife!

Erwin- In the battle of Trost District, Mr.Reeves delayed the evacuation by trying to take along his wealth.

Dimo's wife- So what?! Are you saying he deserved to die?!

Erwin- However... given the current situation with Trost on the verge of collapse. He planted his feet in the city and using any means possible he aided those with no place to go while striving to revive the city. Except, by somebody's hands that dream was extinguished. I promise you... I will avenge him.


Armin- If this is true, the Scouts will be disbanded. I heard they'll be hunting for us tonight. They're also putting guards on all the vital roads, and it's impossible to get through without a pass. Captain, what now?

Eren- We don't have much time till Aether gets-

Levi- Calm down. They're using a wagon. It'll take at least a day to reach Reiss' territory. We'll have to use that time to come up with a plan.

Sasha- Captain, I hear footsteps. They're coming this way!

                                                 -To be continued

The Queen's Beast (Historia Reiss x Male! Oc) A.O.T  ✔Where stories live. Discover now