Part 6

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They all started to have their breakfast then Reon said .

Reon : Tae !! Can I stay here for few days ? Actually I wanna spend  some time with my bestie . You know !!

Tae flashed a small smile .

Tae : Of course . It's been a long time .

Reon : Ok then I will stay .

Then they started to talk about random stuffs about their past memories. Not to mention but Tae did give attention to Yn passing each time so that Yn would not feel bored . Also Yn was happy to see Taehyung talking openly for the first time . Usually Tae didn't talk that much .

After some moments later , they finsihed with their talking and stuffs .

Tae : Reon !! I'm going to office . Please feel comfortable.

Reon nodded .

Yn : Wait a minute Taehyungshi .

Yn ran towards the kitchen and came back with a lunch box .

Yn : Don't skip meals and take care .

She said and hugged him .

Then she pulled out from the hug before pecking his cheeks .

Taehyung looked down probably controlling himself from blushing while pressing his lips .

Taehyung : I'll go now .

He said and went away .

Reon scoffed because she was jealous . She fisted her hands while controlling her anger and jealousy.

Yn turned towards Reon and said with a smile .

Yn : Come Eonnie . I'll show you your room .

Reon nodded and went following Yn .

|| Time skip ||

~~ Lunch Hour ~~

Reon : Yn !! If you don't mind . Can I ask you something ?

Yn : Yes Eonnie .

Reon : Did Tae open up to you ?

Yn gave a confused look .

Yn : I didn't understand Eonnie .

Reon : I mean I saw earlier Tae didn't hug you back when you hug him . It was looking like you were forcing yourself towards Tae . I mean when Tae is comfy he would open up and do things by his own . You know I'm with him for 4 years now . I know. Did he confess his love towards you ? Or did he open up with you yet ?

Yn was feeling uncomfortable with her questions. But she faked a smile .

Yn : Eonnie !! He didn't confess or open up . But he also didn't resist anything which I did for him as a wife . I mean he didn't refuse anytime when I approached him by my own . You know he's shy right ? That's why I'm approaching by my own .

Reon : I know Yn . He's shy . Even I offered friendship by my own . But it didn't even take a week for him to get comfortable with me . You see how he was talking with me right ?

Yn nodded understanding her words .

Yn : I understand Eonnie . I hope he will open up with me soon . I'll try my best for it .

Reon : I would like to give a suggestion . Don't force yourself on him . Give him some time . It is looking like you're forcing him . And about resisting maybe he's hesitate to tell you to stop . I know him very well . He also doesn't like clingy , childish girls. He likes matured girl who will understand his comfortness and uncomfortness .

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