Part 8

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Again Taehyung woke up without Yn . Nowadays Yn didn't even talk with him properly . And She started distancing herself from him .

Taehyung was hurt but also pissed off at the fact . His patients level was decreasing day by day . Then those office works Also exhausted him already .

Taehyung sighed having no presence beside him nor top him neither in the room .

Taehyung : I hate this .

Taehyung then frustratedly went to bathroom and took a warm shower .

He then headed to kitchen where Reon was sitting in the dining table and Yn was cooking breakfast as always .

No wishing nor greetings nothing he got after entering the dining room from Yn .

Yn took a glance at Taehyung secretly and again focused on the food .

And yes Reon had to stay with them . She was literally clinging with Taehyung . And also Taehyung started feeling annoyed but he didn't say anything because she was his best friend .

Reon : Good morning Taetae .

She said with a smile .

Taehyung : Morning .

He said with no expression.

Reon : Hey are you ok ?

Taehyung : Just stressed from office work .

Reon nodded .

Reon : Don't worry . Everything will be fine .

Reon put her hand on his hand which was placed on the table .

Yn saw and ignored as she had nothing to do .

Yn ( In mind ) : I wish I could approach him . He may be really very tired . Ok let me make a warm honey water . It'll lessen the stress .

She thought to herself .

She didn't approach him in those days . But she didn't stop caring about him .

Reon was always there to stop her to manipulate her whenevr she tried to approach him .

Yn was stressed , her mind was messed up by numerous negative thoughts .

Yn came with breakfast .

Yn placed the warm honey water in front of Taehyung .

Taehyung smiled secretly as he knew she might stop her from approaching him but didn't stop her caring .

He thought to clear all the misunderstandings tonight as he didn't wanna stay away from her now . He didn't like the distance between him and Yn .

They started to have breakfast . Soon they finsihed breakfast .

Taehyung went away without any talk as also Yn didn't pay much attention to that .

Actually she did pay the attention but didn't show it .

Reon : You should stop trying . He'll never love you back . Look he's only comfortable with me .

Reon said breaking the silence .

Yn : Why are you doing this ? Why are you manipulating me ?

Reon smirked .

Reon : Because I love him and he's mine . It's your fault that you didn't able to make him fall in love with me . See it didn't effect him if you show care or not . He's the same as usual . So leave him . Then he'll come to me . Because he's mine .

Yn's eyes became teary .

Yn : So it was your plan .

Reon : Yes . But you realized it late . You're such an innocent and dumb . Even if you tell Taehyung he won't believe you . Because obviously I'm his best friend . I'm with him for more than 4 years now . He'll never gonna believe you .

She said and went away showing attitude revealing her true self .

Yn fisted her hands and gritted her teeth as she was also a human she also had the feeling called anger .

Yn couldn't control herself and brusted out in tears .

Loud sobs were heard . Reon smirked in Satisfaction.

~~ Time skip ~~

Taehyung entered only to witness Reon smiling like an idiot .

He rolled his eyes feeling annoyed and stressed .

He then went to bedroom ignoring her talks . Reon stomped on her feets seeing his disappearing figure .
She gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes .

He saw the bedroom light was off . He was confused .

He turned on the lights and saw a fluffy ball on the bed .

He smiled at her as she was curling like a ball in the duvet .

He thought to approach her maybe it was late for approaching but he didn't wanna be more late .

Taehyung went to bathroom for freshen up and came in his comfy clothes .

He entered the duvet and went closer to her face. But to his shocked he saw her puffy cheeks , red nose and weak body .

She was sleeping in that situation.

Taehyung was worried now .

He wanted to clear everything .

Taehyung slightly tapped her cheeks to wake her up .

Taehyung : Yn !!

He softly called her .

Taehyung : Yn !! Wake up !!

Yn slowly opened her eyes but after his so many calls .

Yn was really tired to process his closeness.

Yn : T-taehyung!!!

Taehyung : Yn !! What happened ?

Yn was controlling herself from crying . But she lost it .

She brusted in tears .

Yn : T-taehyungshi !! I can't. I can't able to handle this . Please believe m-me . Pl-please .

Taehyung hugged her . He wasn't aware the reason behind her problem . But he was sure about that the problem was the reason behind her distance from him .

Taehyung : Shh !! Yn !! Calm down !! I'm here . It'll be alright .

Yn pulled out from the hug .

Yn : No . I messed up everything. Why I'm so dumb . I shouldn't do it . Please forgive me and don't leave me .

Taehyung was now very worried.

Taehyung sat up and pulled Yn who was a crying mess .

Taehyung made her sat on his lap and cupped her face .

Taehyung : Yn!!! First calm down . Then I'll listen . We'll fined a solution . Ok ? I trust you . My Yn can solve everything right ?

Taehyung said softly while looking deeply at her .

Yn : You trust me right ?

Taehyung smiled and pecked her forehead .

Yn's heart was now beating very fast like a bullet train .

Yn's cheek was red . Taehyung smiled seeing his effect on her .

Taehyung wiped her tears gently and said softly .

Taehyung : I should say sorry . I should have approached you earlier .

Yn sniffed cutely .

Yn : It's ok . But tell me one thing .

Taehyung : Yes ask please .

Yn : Do you trust me more than ....

Yn was hesitating at her question .

Taehyung : More than ...

He indicated her to continue.

Yn : R-reon ?

Taehyung was shocked at Yn's question .

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