Part 9

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Yn : So do you believe me more than R-reon ?

Taehyung : I-i..

Yn : See . She was right . I was never able to make you comfort with me .

She said with a painful smile. Taehyung's heart clenched at her remark .

Taehyung cupped her face and pecked her lips softly .

Yn was shocked now .

Taehyung : Yn !! You're my wife . My other half , my life partner . Of course you're my first priority. Not even me . Me , Myself will not come before you . I believe you more than myself . Now tell me what's the matter ?

Yn hugged him tightly while crying on his shoulder.

Yn : I'm sorry . I didn't understand you . But I never doubt you . Believe me . I also believe you .

Taehyung smiled and tightly hugged her back . He was missing the warmth . His mind and heart got relaxed .

Taehyung ; Now Tell me.

Yn nodded and was about to pull out from the hug . But Taehyung didn't let her .

Taehyung : Stay like that . I like it .

Yn smiled before continuing the whole matter . How Reon manipulated her . How her insecurities started to fill up her mind , how hard she control not to approach him . Also she told today's incident .

Listening to Yn's word , Taehyung's jaw clenched . He was extremely angry at Reon .

Though he knew Yn never gonna tell lies about Reon and he believed it . Now he calmed himself down for Yn .

Yn : So That's why I was distancing myself and I'm sorry . I shouldn't have done that .

Taehyung : It's not your fault. It's my fault that I didn't approach you when you were not trying . I'm also at fault .

Yn smiled and pecked his cheeks .

Yn : Not not no . Aish don't be sorry . Now everything is fine between you and me . I'm so happy .

Taehyung : Hmm. But I think you deserve a punishment.

Yn looked at him while pulling out from the hug confusedly .

Taehyung : Your punishment is you'll never gonna distance yourself in our lifetime no matter what .

Yn chuckled .

Yn : I love this punishment .

Taehyung chuckled .

Taehyung : And also I'm way more comfortable with you than that Reon .
You know you're the first girl I ever felt like this . Sorry I couldn't able to show that .

Yn : It's ok . I'm also sorry . I didn't give you attention because of my dumbness.

She looked down being embarrassed.

Taehyung smiled at her .

Taehyung : Not not no . You're just so much innocent .

Taehyung chuckled lightly .

Yn pouted .

Yn : Do you like matured girl ? I mean .....

Taehyung : What do you think ?

Yn : I don't know . Umm...

Taehyung again chuckled .

Taehyung : Do you know what I've always wished ? I wished for a childish funny caring adorable girl and matured at the necessary time . And you know what I found those things in you . You're the one I wanna adore and love for the rest of my life .

Yn widely smiled .

Yn : I love you too .

Taehyung was shocked .

Yn : You confessed to me indirectly .

Yn chuckled .

Taehyung smiled while looking at her adorable smile .

Yn attached her lips with his cheeks and stayed like this .

Taehyung blushed at that time . Yn chuckled .

Taehyung looked at her .

Taehyung : I'm a little shy

He said in his deep voice while looking at her making her chuckled .

Yn : Can I do my favourite thing now ?

Yn said while looking at his squishy cheeks .

He chuckled knowing what she meant .

Taehyung : You can .

He chuckled .

Yn squished his cheeks .

Yn : I missed this .

Then she started to suck his cheeks .

Taehyung chuckled . Not to mention , she was still in his lap .

Taehyung was feeling peace and happiness again , feeling her warmth after a long time was overwhelmed for him .

Taehyung : Don't distance yourself again . I can't stay away from you .

Yn nodded still sucking his cheeks .

After a long time , she pulled away .

Taehyung : Satisfied ?

Yn pouted shaking her head as no .

Yn : But it's ok . Your cheeks are all red . Can I peck it . Please ??

Taehyung : I would love to have a peck from my girl .

He chuckled .

Yn leaned and pecked multiple times .

They chuckled together . That's how they spent their night time with each others warmth and comofort together .

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