Part 7

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Taehyung entered his bedroom and saw Yn was sleeping.

Taehyung pouted in annoyance .

Taehyung then laid beside Yn .

He hugged her waist from behind .

Taehyung saw Yn was snoring softly . He chuckled .

Taehyung : My precious baby . So cute she's looking . I wanna admire you more . But what happened to you ? Are you angry with me ? But what did I do ? I didn't do anything wrong I guess . Then why are you behaving weird today ? I'm already missing your hugs and pecks .

He said and pecked her hair .

He snuggled in her neck and inhaled her scent which calmed him down instantly.

He fell asleep slowly feeling warmth and comfort .

'' Time skip ''

It was morning . Yn woke up and saw Taehyung was hugging her while sleeping in her neck .

Yn giggled feeling ticklish .

Yn got up and went to take bath after pecking his forhead and cheeks . Not to mention she also bite his cheeks as she was in love with his bread cheeks. Sometimes she also sucked his cheeks only in sleep . But didn't know Tae was always got awake by her this little actions . Then he would again fall sleep during her morning routine . Then again he woke up when she called him while getting on top of him .

That's why morning hour was favourite time for Taehyung as he got a chance to stay close with Yn .

Yn tapped his shoulder to wake him up .

Taehyung woke up with a surprise gaze as he didn't saw Yn on top of him .

Taehyung : Yes . I woke up .

Yn : Ok you fresh up and I'm going to make breakfast .

Yn said and went away without looking back at Taehyung

Taehyung : Did I do any mistake ? Why Yn?? Why ?  Are you angry with me ? I want my old Yn back .

Taehyung whined at the behaviour of Yn which didn't liked by him at all .

               ~~~~ Time skip ~~~~~

It's been a few days Yn behaved same like this which pissed off Taehyung as he didn't do any mistake so that she would behave like that .

Meanwhile Reon tried her best to manipulate Yn . At first Yn was quite confident about her relationship with Tae . But each passing time she was manipulated by Reon . Yn was innocent enough to not understand Reon's intentions .

But Yn didn't doubt Taehyung to have feelings for Reon either as she understood Taehyung's action that proved Reon was his best friend only . But Reon's action was louder than words that she's trying to separate them but both Tae and Yn ignored those actions .

Reon  tried to manipulate Taehyung against Yn.  But he was strong . Strong about their relationship and his feelings . But the behaviour of Yn in those days disturbed him a lot .

He thought to talk with Yn .

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