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       After the live you went your room but Han didn't come in to the room felix did.

"Umm wrong room" I said to Felix as he jumped on to me and laid on my stomach.

"I know Han let me switch rooms" Felix said while smiling.

I honestly didn't care if Felix was in my room or not as long as he didn't bother me. Felix was really quiet and just stared at me while I was scrolling through TikTok. Felix move from his position on my stomach to laying a next to me a cuddling me. He was so cute and I just wanted him to lay there forever with me. Felix ended up falling asleep and I didn't want to wake home up with my phone so I just went to sleep.

You woke up to felix laying down on the Side of your head and cuddling you in an almost hug way. You looked over at Felix and realized he was still sleeping.

"Aww Felix is so cute" I said to him while smiling.

Felix then started smiling and said thanks. I jumped up in complete shock. I then realized what actually happened and I hit him.

"Why would you do that,you scared me" I said making him apologize.

"Anyways get ready we have rehearsal again today" I told Felix

I got up and decided I would take a shower when I get home because I'll be sweating and dirty. Felix had already left by the time I got up from the bed. I changed in to sweat pants and a sweat shirt saying it was kinda cold outside. (I don't feel like adding the part we're she brushes her teeth or whatever so just imagine that).I went down stairs to see only Bang Chan there. Bang Chan only looked up at me for a second and just continued on his phone. After about 15 minutes everyone had collected in the living room we all collectively decided to leave. You all got in the same cars you did last time.
Time skip

Felix x y/n / skz 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now