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Ryunjin pov

     You started walking to the nearest shop in silence.
      "Why do you hate me?" I asked Felix
"I don't hate you" Felix replied.

   "Then why are you always so rude to me" I said

"Well I would tell you but it's really stupid" Felix said kinda blushing.
"It's fine just tell me" I pleaded

"I tell you later" Felix said.

And just like that we were at the shops, we went in and started looking around. We found some Australian snacks that we thought bang Chan might also enjoy. We also got some spicy noodles for everyone and Candy. I offered to help pay sense it was a lot of stuff but he payed like a gentleman. (Cringe)

     Time skip
You guys got back to the house and gave everyone there candy and noodles.

Time skip again

Felix x y/n / skz 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now