A Mothers Wail

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Authors note: chapter updates will be slow I may update once or twice a week but anyway I hope you enjoy reading my first story.

The Agreste Mansion is one of the most well-known mansions in all of Paris. It is the definition of beauty but even beautiful roses have flaws and thorns. The Mansions gates look like they can keep an army out. But if the gates are strong enough to keep people out, how much stronger is it to keep people in?

Gabriel Agreste stands inside of the gates waiting impatiently with a suitcase. Just as he was about to call for his driver a fourth time the car pulled up from the outside of the gate. The passenger side of the car door opens and Nathalie steps out. Nathalie makes no eye contact with Gabriel as she walks to the backseat door of the car and opens it. Two twin children jump out of the car rushing out to allow their mother to exit the car as well. "Thank you Mayura," Emilie says with passion to Nathalie to which she responds with a pleased hum at the familiar nickname that was given to her by Emilie.

After the car door is shut by Nathalie the Mansion gates open for the two women and twin children. The twins run past Gabriel not even acknowledging his authority. "You're late," Gabriel says to Nathalie and Emilie with an annoyed tone. Emile stops walking to glare at Gabriel. "47 seconds is not late Gabriel Agreste and I don't seem to understand why you are still standing in front of me complaining when you have a business trip to be going to."

Emilie replies irritably to the complaint. Emilie continues to walk towards the mansion's entrance without giving Gabriel another glance while Nathalie follows behind her smiling.


Emilie enters the mansion while Nathalie behind her security locks the door once she is inside. "Mayura," Emilie says. "Yes, Emi?" Nathalie responds. "Do you hear that?" Emilie asks, turning her body slightly to the side to view Nathalie. Nathalie looks around and listens for anything out of the ordinary. "It's quiet." Nathalie comments. "Exactly." Nathalie looks at Emilie as Emilie puts her index finger up to her lips signifying Nathalie is to be quiet. Emilie takes off her heels and walks towards the stairs.

As Emilie walks up the stairs that lead to the twin's shared bedroom she quietly opens the door and looks inside. Emilie enters the bedroom and looks around at the colorful and playful area. "I wonder where my children could be," Emilie says in a playful tone. Emilie looks in the closet and bathroom but finds nothing. As Emilie exits the bathroom she notices Nathalie leaning against the door frame. Nathalie makes a movement with her eyes telling Emilie to check under Adrien's bed. Emilie looks at the bed but looks closer when she spots a tiny tail sticking out from under the covers. "Boo!" Emilie exclaimed when she lifted the covers.

The twins crawl out from under the bed screaming with surprise and joy and go running to the door until they see Nathalie standing in their way. The Twins run to jump on Felix's bed across the room. Emilie chases after the twins and jumps on the bed with the twins and attacks them with many tickles. Nathalie notices Plagg rubbing against her right leg purring. Nathalie smiles at the small kitten and picks him up petting him on his head. Nathalie walks over to the trio on the bed. "I think they've had enough Emi, the twins need to breathe, remember?" Nathalie says. Emilie hums in response and stops tickling the twins. The twins are still laughing but much less since they aren't being tickled anymore. "Did you two have fun today?" Emilie asks the twins when they seem to have calmed down. "Yes!" The twins replied with much energy when it seemed like they had run out. "Hmm good, now I want you two to start your homework and then come down for dinner" Emilie gets up to walk away, Nathalie ready to follow her out the room with Plagg until the twins shouted to stop them from leaving. "What's wrong?" Emilie asks with worry. The twins look at each other and around the room avoiding the two women's eyes. Nathalie takes note that the twins looked nervous. "Is there something that you two want to tell me and your mother?" Nathalie asks, hoping that the question will push the twins slightly to tell them what's wrong.

"When can we go to real school?" Adrien asks, looking at Emilie. "What?" Emilie asks, her voice sounding off. "We want to go to a real school," Felix adds. "Felix, sweetie, you don't even like most people," Emilie responds. "So? Neither do you" Felix says daringly. Emilie looks shocked at her son's words. "I like people, Felix," Emilie replies. "No you don't, You don't like Chloe's mom or her dad," Adrien says almost shouting. "And you don't like Sabrina's mom and Kagami's mom," Felix says a bit more calmly but still almost having a loud tone like Adrien's. "Enough!" Emilie shouts, her voice louder than it should have been. "You two will stay here in this house until I say so and neither one of you will be going to a real school, do I make myself clear?" Emilie asserted. The twins give her a look of unhappiness and agree to her question. Emilie takes a deep inhale and exhales strongly. Emilie turns and walks to the door as Nathalie follows behind her. When Nathalie has reached the door she looks back at the twins and sees Felix doing a coin trick for Adrien to cheer him up. Nathalie smiles and closes the door behind her.


Nathalie walks into Emilie and her shared office and notices Emilie doing her breathing techniques while leaning against the desk. Nathalie puts Plagg down in one of his many beds that are scattered in almost every room in the mansion. Nathalie slowly walks over to Emilie. She sees that Emilie's hands are almost white from having a strong hold on the desk. Nathalie waits patiently for Emilie to be calm enough before speaking. "I shouldn't have said that to them, I sounded like fucking Gabriel." Emilie sounded like she was going to cry. "Emi, a mother's job is to take care of her children but also to worry for them when they are naive to the dangers outside of the house," Nathalie states trying to calm Emilie down. Emilie shakes her head and rubs her face. "Look at me, Emilie." Nathalie stands in front of Emilie putting a gentle two fingers under her chin to lift up her face slowly.

"You are a great mother but you have faced a lot of suffering. The twins need to grow and experience things for themselves to become better. You can't hide them from the world forever Emi." Nathalie says quietly to not have it seem that she's trying to insult Emilie.

A few tears go down Emilie's face. Nathalie takes both of her hands and cups Emilie's to wipe away the tears. Emilie leans into the touch and stays there. "What about junior year?" Nathalie asks after a few moments of silence. Emilie looks up confused. "If the twins go to school for their junior year they would only have one year left. If they don't like it they can come back home. But if they do like it, it would only be a short time until they graduate." Nathalie explained. Emilie thinks and then nods in agreement. Nathalie hums satisfied in response. Emilie pulls Nathalie into a hug slowly by her waist. Nathalie smiles and rests her arms on Emilie's shoulders while Emilie holds her by the waist and places her head on Nathalie's neck. After a few moments of silence as the two women hold each other Emilie places gentle kisses on Nathalie's neck and pulls away. "Thank you, Mayura." "Always Emi." Emilie smiles and leans her forehead on Nathalie's. "I love you, Nathalie," Emilie says softly. "I love you too Emilie," Nathalie responds.

When Emilie and Nathalie come downstairs for dinner the twins are sitting there with gloomy expressions. Emilie looks back at Nathalie for help and Nathalie smiles encouraging her to keep going. Emilie and Nathalie sit across from the boys next to each other but the twins don't move to look up. "Boys, can you look at me, I have something to tell you both," Emilie says calmly while not trying to sound demanding. The twins look up at their mother. "I will allow you both to go to real school BUT in two years and finish the next if you both like your first year there," Emilie explains. The twins both are jumping for joy having the same right smiles they had on their faces before. "I also have a present for both of you," Emilie announces. The twins stop what they're doing and focus on their mother. Emilie giggles at her sons and pulls out a small box and opens it to reveal two rings, one black, and one white. "This is supposed to be your birthday present but I thought maybe you two could have them now," Emilie says. Adrien grabs the black one and puts it on his ring finger but gets upset when the ring falls right off, the same happening to Felix. "The rings are for when you both get older so they can fit but besides that, do you two like them?" Nathalie asks. The twins shout with joy and agreement. Emilie laughs and Nathalie smiles. Nathalie takes the rings and puts them back in the box. "You both can wear them when you both have your first day at school," Nathalie explains. The twins still shouted with joy at the fact that they were going to a real school. The two women laughed at the twins and prepared themselves when the food came out of the kitchen. The twins had calmed down when they noticed the food and got ready to eat.

The four residents of the Agreste mansion had a nice meal together. But good things must come to an end and there is a funeral soon to plan.

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