Musical Liberty

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The sound of the bell was loud. It was the end of the day and the twins were going to head outside but were stopped by Rose yelling their names as she was running to get closer to them.

"Hey Rose, is everything alright?" Rose was out of breath. Adrien was worried that something had happened. He looked at Felix to see if he had a clue of what was going on but Felix just shrugged.

"Are you both coming to liberty for the music festival?" Rose was bouncing up and down waiting for them to answer. "What is liberty?" Felix was confused at the mention of liberty but the name sounded familiar to him.

"It's the boat parked in the seine river that is owned by the Couffaine family, Juleka's mother always invites our class over to spend the music festival there." Kagami walks towards the three of them smiling. Felix recognized the name because Sabrina has mentioned it to him many times before.

"We should ask Nathalie first before anything." Adrien looks at Felix to see him nodding his head in agreement. "I've already done that for you, Nathalie said as long as we don't stay too late after The festival you both can go." Adrien hears Felix mutter something about Kagami being a few steps ahead of them in a playful tone.

"That's great, I'm so happy that you both can be there." Rose was still bouncing with joy once she had her confirmation. Rose then gasped at her phone when she checked the time. She said her goodbyes as she ran out the doors.


"I'll let you both know when I'm on my way" Nathalie unlocked the doors for the twins to get out of her car. Adrien and Felix say their goodbyes as she drives off. As they walk to the boat Rose catches sight of them and waves at them from where she is on the boat.

Once the twins are on the boat everyone from their class greets them. "Well, these are the two lads I've been hearing so much about." A woman with gray hair and glasses comes up to them. Juleka and Rose were right behind her. "Your names have been pretty popular with me crew lads," The woman smiled at them. "I hope it's only about good things ma'am." Adrien needed to be respectful because not only did this woman own this boat but also because this was his friend's mother.

"Please, call me Anarka or captain. Why don't you lads help out your friends to set up everything for the festival" Ankara or captain seemed nice, Adrien hoped that Felix or himself wouldn't be the cause of her bad side. Rose from behind her spoke up about everyone being ready but someone called Luka is missing. Ankara hums in acknowledgment and thinks for a moment.

"Felix, right? Why don't you make sure that everything is plugged in and tuned correctly with Juleka and Adrien? Why don't you go look for my son Luka in his cabin, Rose here can show you Where to go." Juleka and Felix went to where everything was set up at the front of the boat while Rose grabbed Adrien's hand softly to lead him to Luka's cabin.

"He should be around the corner." Rose for some other reason was more excited than before. Adrien hopes that she never gets her hands on coffee if she gets this hyper for certain things. Adrien hears the sound of music being played, he looks hesitantly around the corner and sees Luka playing the guitar.

Luka turns his head to look at Adrien and smiles. Adrien looks away and chuckles nervously. "Uh, sorry for interrupting but my name is Adrien and your mom sent me to come to get you." Luka chuckles, "Well, it's nice to finally meet The Adrien, Juleka and Rose have talked a lot about you and your twin brother Felix."

Adrien rubs the back of his neck and looks around Luka's room. He was going to ask about the jagged stone poster but the glass enclosure in the room caught his eye first.

"Do you like snakes?" Luka gets up from his bed and walks over to the glass enclosure. "I can't say I've ever met one.'' Before Luka opens the top he turns around. "Would you like to? he won't bite" Adrien thought about being late for rehearsal but he would like to see a snake that he knows won't poison him.


Luka smiles at Adrien "I promise Adrien" he signals Adrien to come closer as he opens the snake's home. Lika places his hand inside and waits. Adrien is confused as to what Luka is doing but his confusion goes away when he sees a small snake slither into his hand.

Luka moves his hand slowly out of the enclosure once the snake is fully around his hand almost going up his wrist. "Adrien, this is Sass, and Sass, this is Adrien" Adrien watches as the snake moves around flicking his tongue a lot.

Adrien hadn't realized what the name of the snake was since he was so focused on watching the snake move around so much. "I'm glad that Sabrina and I aren't the only ones who have pets with unique names."

Luka looked at Adrien with confusion. "What do you mean?" Adrien didn't realize that he said that out loud. "Uh, well, I have a cat at home named Plagg and Felix bought his girlfriend Sabrina a puppy for her birthday and she named him Barkk."

Luka smiles and looks back at Sass. "I think those names are pretty cool." Luka slowly places Sass back into his home and closes it. "I think we'd better go up and join the rest of the group." Adrien agrees and they walk up to the deck of the boat.


Luka sets up his guitar and is about to play when the sound of a speeding car. Roger, Chloe, and Sabrina step out of the police car. Chloe and Sabrina stand with Adrien, Felix, and Kagami while Roger goes and talks to Anarka about making sure the noise was not in the red.

After the noise check was cleared Chloe lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "isn't that one of those keyboards you like, Adrien?"

Adrien gasped at the keyboard and walked over to the open case on the floor. "Wow, This is an original ZX20.4, I love the sound of this instrument."

"Do you know how to play it, Adrien?" Anarka smiles. "I know how to play it," Adrien said with excitement, smiling brightly. "That's great Adrien" Luka walks over to where Adrien was on the floor and holds out his hands to help Adrien up. "Would you like to be a part of the band?"Adrien is surprised at the question but smiles and agrees to play with the band.

As this was happening Chloe, Kagami, Felix, and Sabrina were watching Adrien and Luka with knowing looks as they were still holding hands after Luka had helped Adrien up.

Adrien and Luka noticed the hand-holding and let go of each other's hand both laughing awkwardly right after.

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