Ice Cream Sweethearts

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(TRIGGER WARNING: implied physical child abuse in the beginning, very short)

"Hello, Gabriel."

it was easier. they were countries away from each other but it was always the same outcome. Gabriel called Adrien to let Felix and Natalie know that he was going to be gone for a while. He was never specific but always used Adrien as a messenger since Felix and Natalie wouldn't pick up the phone, and if they did there would be A LOT of back and forth with yelling.

Adrien cried at the insults his father said to him on the phone. it was easier. Gabriel wouldn't see the effect he had on the boy. Gabriel wouldn't smile in satisfaction about how much power he had over Adrien by just using his words than his actual hands. Adrien wouldn't have to see that stupid smile.

After the call, Adrien went to lie in bed and cry. He twisted his ring and wished his other mother would comfort him instead of being buried underground. plagg jumped on the bed and walked over to Adrien and licked at his forehead. Adrien let out a small laugh at how his cat tried to comfort him. It wasn't enough. After a few seconds plagg left and Adrien clutched his hand that had his ring against his chest and yelled into his pillow. Adrien eventually fell asleep after being able to calm down a bit.


Adrien was awoken by a notification on his phone. Adrien didn't want to answer but also didn't want to be rude. Adrien reached for the phone and looked at the time before he looked at the text. he was asleep for 15 minutes.

Adrien groaned still feeling exhausted and with frustration. he rarely had a full night of sleep because of what happened. It wasn't the same.

Adrien opened the message and sat up instantly when he saw that the text was from Luka. Luka was asking Adrien if he wanted to hang out today. Adrien didn't have any ideas of what to do but he didn't want to pass on being alone with Luka for a while. he panicked and text Chloe to come to his room with hangout ideas and her makeup bag.


"hey Adrien," Chloe said softly as she entered the room with her makeup bag in her arm and plagg meowing towards him at her feet. Adrien smiled but didn't give a verbal response. Chloe closed the door and walked over to sit in front of Adrien on the bed, plagg following her and doing the same. she took her seat and held out her hands for Adrien to put his hands on hers. Adrien looked at her hands and then at her face. Chloe was giving him a soft reassuring smile as she waited for him to place his hands. After a few seconds of Adrien looking up and down between her face and hands, he placed his hands on hers.

Chloe gently and carefully rubbed his hands giving them a short message for a few seconds before she spoke. "did he call?" Adrien nodded. "business trip?" Adrien nodded. "insulted you?" Adrien nodded. Chloe sighed in annoyance and Plagg did the same but growling. "did you scream in your pillow?" Adrien nodded. Chloe nodded in understanding and held out her arms for Adrien to hug her. Adrien didn't hesitate to accept her embrace. She rub his back with one hand, gently played with his hair in the other, and told him that he was home safe with his family. After a while Adrien let go and moved back to where he was sitting.

Chloe took out the makeup that she needed to cover up the redness of Adrien's eyes and rambled about some of the activities she did with Zoe and her dad while Zoe was visiting. "you and Luka could find André." She suggested. "He wouldn't-"

Adrien coughed and cleared his throat. His throat hurt from screaming into his pillow. "Luka would like to go find André with you. André and his ice creams are for everyone. No one has ever turned down André and his ice creams." Chloe said strictly while putting her hands on her hips. Adrien sighed in response while turning his attention to Plagg and giving him head pats. Chloe notices the distress in Adrien.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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