Birthday Surprise

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"Happy birthday boys" Nathalie leans down to kiss both of their heads and ruffle their hair before she sits down to eat. "I heard from the mayor and Roger that the girls will be spending the evening here."

"If it's another surprise party I'm going to stay in my room." Felix doesn't look up from his plate as he speaks. "Maybe it will be something different, they don't exactly repeat two years of birthday surprises." Felix still doesn't look up, focused more on eating but moves his head in a way of saying that Adrien had a point.

"Just have fun at school today and be here right after school." the twins nod in agreement to Nathalie's request and stand to get ready to leave for school.


"Happy birthday Adrien," Kagami says as she walks over to Adrien standing by the entrance waiting for class to start. "Has Felix run to hide already?" Kagami asks while looking around to see if she is able to spot the other teen. "Thanks, Kagami, Felix said that he managed to find a hiding spot yesterday so he would be prepared today." Adrien chuckles while also looking around for his twin.

Adrien and Kagami talk for a while about what the group plans to do for Sabrina's birthday. "Hey Adrien, happy b-day dude." Nino places an arm around Adrien's shoulders. Adrien thanks him before Nino begins to ask questions. "So, are you gonna party a little after school?" Kagami answers before Adrien can get the chance to. "The girls and I are planning a family-only surprise at the mansion." Kagami had an annoyed tone when answering Nino's question. "Oh uh, well, that's great dude, I'll see you later Adrien." Nino pats Adrien's shoulder and walks away with more speed than he should.

Adrien was going to ask Kagami why she was slightly aggressive towards Nino but Marinette coming out from the side stopped him. Marinette looks at Adrien and Kagami and tries to tell Adrien something but continues to stutter every now and then. Chloe runs up from behind the pair and pushes Marinette out of the way. "Happy birthday Adrikins." Chloe pulls Adrien in for a hug and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Chlo." Kagami rolls her eyes but smiles at Chloe's antics.

"Where's Sabrina" Adrien has seen everyone in their group and in his classes but her. "She's trying to look for Felix, that sneaky Houdini won't be able to hide for me forever." The sound of the bell makes Chloe excited and she rushes into the building to go look for Felix since he will be forced to come out of hiding to get to class. Adrien and Kagami both laugh and walk to class together to start their day.


The group walks out of the building talking about their day while Felix was trying to walk faster than the others to get to the car as a way to get away from Chloe's hugs. As each group member gets into their own car Felix takes note that Nathalie is going in a different direction than the one she usually takes once the twins have sat down.

Halfway into the drive, Adrien notices that it's taking a little bit longer to get home and looks over to Felix to see if he also notices the change. Felix makes a face telling Adrien that he already figured it out and turns back to look out the window. Adrien turns to his window and smiles.

Adrien has never been envious of Felix for being able to figure things out much faster than himself plus he was never as observant as Felix is so to Adrien it's good that he has his twin for backup when certain things tend to fly over his head.

The car ride takes ten minutes longer than usual. The twins get out of the car and walk to the mansion. "You two should go upstairs to change, you should be comfortable before your surprise." Nathalie smiles at the twins and walks ahead of them quickly entering the mansion first.

The twins had stopped walking when Nathalie spoke and hadn't moved. Felix turns to Adrien who shrugs at him. The twins start to walk and enter the mansion. The twins make their way up to their rooms and Adrien laughs at Felix looking everywhere trying to find something out of place.


The twins come downstairs from their rooms and are greeted by Sabrina who is smiling brighter than the sun. "Are you two ready for your surprise?" Sabrina asked when the twins got down the stairs. "Is it a surprise party?" Felix asked, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow. "It's not technically a party but it is a surprise sweetheart." Felix blushed at the term Sabrina used. Adrien could help but laugh at his twin being embarrassed.

Sabrina couldn't stop giggling as she led the twins to the garden. She stepped aside wanting the twins to open the entrance of the garden.

"Surprise!" The twins, even though they knew that the group and Nathalie were going to be there, were surprised to see the Mayor, Chloe's sister, and Roger there.

The garden was decorated with nice colors that made the flowers look more bright and more beautiful. "Wow, this is amazing you guys."

"I'm glad you two like the surprise, the girls wanted to have the surprise be in the garden since we've never had one here before and it also being your first year of being in school." Nathalie was thrilled at the twins' positive response to the surprise and was even more glad when she noticed that Felix hadn't left yet.

Zoe ran up to the twins and pulled them into a tight hug. "I've missed you two so much, you have to tell me everything about how the school has been for you." Zoe then pulled them to the table that was set up for them to talk. Everyone else did the same. Nathalie was going to take her seat across from the twins when the sound of the doorbell at the entrance was rung.

"Excuse me, everyone, I'll be right back." Nathalie walked quickly to the door not wanting anything to interrupt this day. She hoped it wouldn't be Gabriel. While Gabriel never cared to even say happy birthday to her sons just his presence and his name were enough to sour the mood.

Nathalie answers through the intercom to see a girl standing with a present claiming to be from Adrien's class. Nathalie takes note that the girl only said Adrien's class when Nathalie knows that every class Adrien has he has it with his brother as well. When Nathalie grabbed the present from the mailbox she noticed the note was only addressed to Adrien from herself.

"Marinette seems to have a favorite." Nathalie disliked that this "Marinette" girl only had a gift for one of her sons and not both. Nathalie disposes of the note and opens the present to see a nice scarf inside. Nathalie decides that she will give the present to Zoe before she leaves.

Nathalie puts the scarf away, grabs her presents from behind her desk, and walks back to the garden. Watching the twins be excited over the magic trick box she had gotten put a smile on her face and made her temporarily forget about Marinette and her having a favorite twin.

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