We meet again

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It's the beginning of the weekend and Adrien is laying in the middle of his bed with Plagg curled next to his head sleeping. Adrien stares at the ceiling and thinks about his meeting with Luka. Adrien blushes at the memory of the way they held hands for longer than they should have. He checks the time and sighs when he sees that it's still very early in the afternoon.

Adrien wants to play his piano some more to pass the time faster but he's tired of playing only piano. Adrien turns to the side to face Plagg and begins to pet the sleeping cat slowly. Adrien smiles when he hears the soft purring.

Adrien gasps slightly when he has a great idea to pass the time this weekend. But before he can leave the room he notices that Plagg is awake glaring at him. "Sorry for waking you up Plagg but I promise when I get back I'll give you a lot of treats." he then rushes downstairs to the garden to find Felix and Sabrina.


Felix and Sabrina were not a regular couple. They are dating but both of them would rather study or play chess than go to the movies or make out. They both always enjoyed their time of silence while playing chess but when an overly excited Adrien came running out of the mansion towards them they didn't react negatively to the interruption.

Adrien stands in front of the couple slightly embarrassed that he interrupted their chess time. "Uh, hey Sabrina, where did you say that Chloe and Kagami were again?"

"Chloe's at the park modeling for Kagami's pose drawings."

"Right, right...I um."

Adrien felt his face heat up thinking about his next question. He did everything to avoid looking at Felix because he can feel his eyes looking at him trying to analyze him.

"Do you happen to have Juleka's phone number?" Adrien whispers hoping that Sabrina heard him and not Felix but when does anything go according to Adrien's plan when Felix is around?

"Does this have anything to do with Juleka's older brother?" Felix asked with a smirk while resting his head on his hands. "No, it doesn't, I just want to learn how to play more instruments." Adrien needs to work on how to sound more convincing when he lies. He can see the way Felix's smirk grows wider when he notices how defensive and quick Adrien's response was. Adrien blushed and stared at the floor.

"Ok, enough Felix before Adrien's head explodes from embarrassment, here look." Sabrina puts the phone to her ear as the phone number she dialed rings. When a female "hello" comes from the phone Sabrina gets up and walks a few feet away. She mouths the words that she won't take long on the phone and turns around so her back faces the boys.

"Since you seem to have taken an interest in the Couffaine brother I want you to keep in mind that if he harms you in any way I will ruin his life." Felix leaned back in his chair giving Adrien an intense look.

"Isn't Luka two years older than us?" Adrien found out that Luka was older when he heard Juleka talking about him vaguely a couple of times before he got to meet him."I said I would ruin his life not kick his ass, but I can do that too if ever necessary." Felix rests his head back on his hands as he flashes a sadistic smile towards Adrien before he focuses his attention on Sabrina who is walking back to the table.

"Anaka said that you're allowed to hang out with Luka until Natalie has to pick you up." Sabrina smiles at Adrien which turns into her giggling as she watches Adrien run into the mansion barely saying a proper goodbye to the both of them.


Natalie's car pulls up to Liberty and sees Anarka waiting. The two step out of the car and walk towards them. "Miss Anarka, it's nice to finally meet you." Natalie smiles and hopes that Anarka is nothing like Audrey and Tomoe.

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