Friendships to Family

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"Are you both sure that you have everything you need?" Nathalie asks for the third time with worry as she is helping the twins get ready for their first day at school. "We have everything we need mom," Adrien says, trying to reassure Nathalie's concerns. "And even if we forget something here Chloe, Sabrina, or Kagami would be able to help us out," Felix adds doing the same as his brother. Nathalie sighs tiredly and leads them to her car.

During the car ride, the twins were on the phone with Chloe as she was asking them where they were and for them not to be late. Once Nathalie arrived at the school she stared at it hoping that this school wouldn't make her sons change their minds and want to become homeschooled again. "Uhh, mom? You have to unlock the doors." Adrien says wondering why Nathalie hasn't let them out of the car. Nathalie sighs and rests her forehead on the steering wheel. "Are you ok Nathalie?" Felix asks, becoming concerned.

Nathalie leans back in her chair and does a quick breathing technique before she reaches her hand into her pocket to pull out a small box and hands it to Felix not making eye contact with either of them. Felix opens the box and his eyes go wide with shock at what's inside. Adrien leans over to see what caused the face his brother made and had the same reaction. "She said that you could wear them when you two would have your first day," Nathalie whispered. Adrien took his ring and Felix did the same. The twins placed the rings on their fingers and found that the rings are a perfect fit, unlike the last time they had tried them on. "You both should head inside, I'm sure Chloe would be upset if you're even more late to class," Nathalie says as she unlocks the doors.

The twins step out of the car, grab their things and start walking towards the building. Nathalie notices the way Felix has his hand on Adrien's shoulder as they walk slowly. Nathalie debates whether she should stay in the car until the twins leave or drive back to the mansion and distract herself with work.

"Adrikins! Felix!" Chloe runs up to the twins pulling both of them into a hug. "Good morning to you as well Chloe." Felix tries to say while trying to break free of Chloe's unbearably strong hug. "Chloe, maybe it would be best if you would let the boys go so they can at least survive their first day of school without passing out from your hug," Kagami says as she walks up to the three with Sabrina walking next to her. Chloe lets go of the boys and pouts in Kagami's direction and the two girls stare at each other as if they were having a telepathic argument. "Are you two alright? You both seem a little upset." Sabrina asks with worry. Chloe and Kagami immediately break from the staring and focus their attention on the twins. Adrien avoids any eye contact with the girls and begins to shake slightly. Felix places his hand on Adrien's shoulder "We should discuss this after school." The girls agree to Felix's suggestion and move to guide the twins more into the building.

As the group walks around Felix notices the way some students have been shying away from the group. Felix smiles slightly knowing that he didn't have to see Chloe and Kagami to know that they were making faces at the students in front of them. "Why was everyone outside of class anyway?" Felix asks Sabrina who was walking next to him. "Someone decided that it would be a fun joke to pull the fire alarm on the first day back," Sabrina explains. Felix hums in understanding as the group walk into their shared class. "This is your seat Adrien, you'll sit next to Sabrina and this is your seat Felix, you'll sit next to Kagami." "where are you going to sit Chloe?" Adrien asks, his voice sounding off from not speaking much earlier. "I'm going to sit right behind Felix." The bell rings after Chloe informs the boys where her seat will be. Felix pulls Adrien aside "If you ever want a break or just want to leave school just let Sabrina know, okay?" Adrien nods and the twins break apart to sit down quickly as other students walk in as well as their teacher.

Two girls walk in last and one of them with glasses and reddish-brown hair looks at both the first rows on the left and right with a furious look. "First you make Marinette move from the second to the first row with me because you wanted to sit there and now you take both of the seats in the front!" The girl yells while looking at Chloe. "I changed my mind, go sit over there now," Chloe says with a bored look on her face as she points to the second row behind Adrien and Sabrina. "Who elected you Queen of Seats?" the girl yells again. "Ladies please have a seat, class has already started." The girl with the glasses pulls the girl with the pigtails. The girl with pigtails falls on her way up and Adrien holds his hand out for her to help her. "Are you ok?" The girl ignores him and gets up by herself leaving Adrien confused. Sabrina passes Adrien a note that was written in code. Adrien studies the numbers, translating them into letters to identify Sabrina's message. The letter translates to "ignore them just focus on getting through today, Adri." Adrien smiles at the note and writes her one back in numbers. "Do you boss Felix around like this too, Rina?" Sabrina giggles quietly and puts the paper away as roll call begins.

All of the classes went well with no problems. The group walks to the entrance to leave and Chloe gets upset because of the rain. Chloe throws a small fit about wanting the group to go shopping as a treat for getting through their first day and for her not having an umbrella. Sabrina sighs while opening her umbrella and pulls Chloe under the umbrella and walks to their car. Kagami says her goodbyes as she opens her umbrella and speed walks to catch up with Chloe and Sabrina to get a ride with them. Felix opens his umbrella and turns to Adrien "Let's go, I've had enough social interactions for today." Adrien laughs at his twin after he walks away.

Adrien hears someone walking up behind him and he turns to see who it was. It's the girl with the pigtails looking just as upset as Chloe but without the tantrum. Adrien sees that she doesn't have an umbrella and walks over to greet her. She huffs and turns her head. Adrien sighs and opens his umbrella. "I just wanted you to know that Chloe must have said something to you that made you upset and you may know that I'm also one of her best friends but I'm not the same as her when it comes to ordering others around, I swear and being in this school with all these new people around is new and scary but also nice." Adrien holds out his umbrella and hopes she takes it. The girl grabs it but the umbrella closes after she has it. Adrien laughs as well as the girl. "See you tomorrow," Adrien says to her and runs to Nathalie's car. "Took you long enough," Felix says as Adrien gets into the car. Adrien makes a face and Nathalie giggles at her sons and starts the car to head back to the mansion.

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