Chapter 2

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-chh- '-and in today's weather for all us in Washington D.C. is gonna be a chilly one. The high is 67°F and the low is 53°F. Thank you for listening at 89.4FM.

Mulder yawned and sat up and rubbed his face. It was getting very rough, he hadn't shaved in a few days.

Mulder sat up and went to his small kitchen in his apartment. He made some toast and afterwards brushed his teeth. He got dressed in the same old suit and pulled on a purple/grey colored tie combination. He got in his car and took the roads down to the Bureau.

While in the car he dialed up Scully on his satallite wireless.

"Dana Scully."

"Scully, it's me."

"Hey, Mulder, are you on your way?"

"Yep, I should be there in, maybe, 5-10 minutes?"

"Sounds good. Meet me in our department."

"See you there."


Mulder turned up the sports radio and listened to some highlights of the baseball game he missed yesterday.

Mulder pulled into the parking garage and flashed his badge at the window.

After the employee checked the badge, he smiled and gave Mulder his badge back.

"You're all set, Spooky Mulder." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, well, at least I don't work in a parking garage."

The worker instantly dropped the smile and glared, going back to his game of solitaire on the computer.

Checked in to get to the department, he was stopped by Skinner.

"Mulder, did I just hear that you indirectly insulted a parking garage employee?"

"Yes, you did, Sir. Must've been the nervousness about how dark it is in there. It is pretty... spooky."

Skinner frowned, muttered a few words, and returned back to his office.

Scully turned and faced the door when she heard Mulder whistleing down the hallway. She was looking through some of the X File's manilla folders to check out the similar cases Mulder was talking about.

"Scully? Whatcha doing?"

"I was checking out the cases you were talking about last night, the one's with the similar chips? So, I did find something a little different about this one."

"What would that be?"

"Well, all the previous victims of this similar event had burns.. But the newest has signs of pre-death coldness"

"So? We all get the chills when we see some extra-terrestial life."

"No, Mulder. I mean severe hypothermia. Like something you would see on someone who passed out on Mt. Everest."

"Huh." Mulder took the folder from Scully and read it over.
"Well that's certaintly what it appears to be."
"So what is your honest medical opinion, Doctor?" Mulder inquired.

"Mulder, I don't really know what to think... But if it had to be done, I would say he was frozen, and then melted..? I don't really know at this point."

"And how do you explain the computer chip, Scully? Maybe he was in some Hollywood 'Robots Attack!' movie?" Mulder chuckled.

"Very funny, Mulder. But I am gonna go ahead and send it along to some more qualified experts and get their opinion on it."

"Sounds like a plan. You up for a little trip?"

"Depends on where it is, Mulder.."

"Just down to some people experienced in the subject of-"

"Let me guess," Dana Scully injected, "Extra-Terrestials?"

Mulder winked and ushered Scully out the door, his hand on her back.
"We gotta get their fast, these are very busy men, Scully."

She shook her head and they walked out, going to the parking garage.

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