Chapter 1 - Where it all began

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~ (Eleven) Jane Hopper POV ~

My hands are stone cold by the time I arrive at school. Winter was around the corner, which meant Christmas was near. And not to forget, Christmas break. Which I needed. I park my bike next to Will's, who I ride to school with everyday. Since we became brother and sister, we haven't really left each other's side. Before our parents got together we were already great friends, but I feel like our bond only became stronger after my dad got together with his mom. I never had siblings before, not like this at least. Jonathan, Joyce her oldest son, was off to college somewhere pretty far away, so he didn't live at home anymore with us.

You might think: Why is having a family like this so new to you? Well, there are a few things you need to know about me. I'm not like other kids.  I grew up in a lab, full of kids like me.  We all pretended that we were one big happy family. But that was far from the truth. The man in charge, we called him papa, was the worst. He lied and manipulated us to do exactly what he wanted. And if that wasn't bad enough, he trained us, experimented on us, to make weapons of us. For what? I have no clue. My guess was to gain power, but since I had to fight literal monsters from another dimension, I wasn't so sure anymore.

About that, you might be wondering: What are you talking about? Fighting monsters from another dimension and with what?! Are you crazy? Yes, I'm telling the truth although it does sound crazy. And I feel like it too. I was born with this gift. A gift I shared with these kids at the lab, but my power was weirdly enough stronger and more intense then the rest of them. I can't remember what happened to all of them, I have never seen them around anymore. But all I know is that I was papa's favorite. The only reason being, that I was the most powerful. But I didn't want any of this.

I hardly remember anything from my time at the lab. All I remember is the torturing and the testing they did on me. I managed to escape one day, but I was far from safe. Papa was looking for me with his army of men. And little did I know that there was a whole portal that let these monsters come to our world, which was coming from the lab as well.

In these 3 years I fought them and closed this gate where they came out of, twice. Only the gate was way bigger the second time. I managed to close it and since then nothing has happened anymore. In the meantime the chief, Jim Hopper, took care of me and adopted me as his daughter. I met the party, which include my friends and their family and learned a lot in between. My vocabulary and such needs some more work, but that's what school is for now I suppose. Although I get teased quite a lot for it.

Fast forward to today, everything was looking peaceful, on the lab and monster part. But I couldn't help but feel unsure.  Somehow it was all connected. The lab, the upside down and me- But we are safe now, that's what matters. Besides, I have school to worry about now. Like all the normal kids. At least I keep telling myself that, but something kept haunting me in the back of my mind, that it wasn't the end of it all. That I would come face to face with my biggest fears again. That's what I keep seeing in my dreams lately. Well, I could better describe them as nightmares. I keep wondering, if they are actual nightmares I create in my mind, because I'm scared it will come back. Or if they are- visions of what is yet to come.

"El, are you okay? You seem out of it." Will points out as he gently nudges me. I snap out of my thoughts as I was still standing outside, in the cold. I felt my lips turning blue as I look at Will. He had a worried look painted on his face. I put on a fake smile as I meet his eyes. "Yes, sorry! I was just trying to remember if we had any homework today." I lied as I didn't want Will to worry too much about me. Will and his family already went through to much. I couldn't help but think it was all my fault too.

"Oh! Why didn't you just ask me? We don't have any homework, since it's almost christmas break silly. " Will chuckles softly as he pulls me inside with him.  "Right, I forgot." I chuckle as I try to shake off all the bad thoughts and to just focus on today. "Yo Byers, El, over here!" We hear a familiar voice shout. My eyes face the way the voice came from as I see Dustin stand near his locker with Lucas and Mike. My body instantly relaxes as I meet their familiar faces. I gave them a little wave as I walk up to them with Will. "Hey!" Will greets them excitingly as he gave Dustin and Lucas their secret handshake. But when it came to Mike, they always got nervous touching hands. So when they did the secret handshake it always failed, since one of the two always forgot half of it. I thought it was pretty funny that it always happened with Will and Mike. I had no idea why, but that didn't matter since it was still funny to me. The boys all gave me a hug right after Will as their eyes were big of excitement.

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