Chapter 3 - Tough crowd 

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~ (Eleven) Jane Hopper POV ~

I looked down at the sandwich and crisps that Joyce had packed me for lunch today, but I wasn't hungry. All those dark and scary thoughts that haunt me throughout the day take away my appetite. I sat at the lunch table where we always sat with the party. It was me, Will, Dustin, Mike, Lucas and some other nerds from their little game group. I just mostly talked to my friends and not with the people I hardly knew. I didn't really have a lot in common with them anyway.

This older guy at the table with long curly hair, Eddie. He was pretty nice. He told me he thought I was a weirdo, but that's what he liked about me.  I took it as a compliment. I sometimes come along to their Dungeons and Dragons games, but that's mostly, because I didn't want to be alone and- I didn't have any other friends. So I just followed Will around most of the time.

The boys were busy talking about their game session they will have tonight. I wasn't really interested so I was just looking around the cafeteria. The basketball team was talking about their next game and showing off once again. The queen bees of the school were doing their nails during lunch and- there was the new girl. My eyes follow her as she walked through the cafeteria to go outside. She had no lunch in her hands, but instead she had a skateboard resting in her hands. Lots of eyes were focused on her. Judging once, to be exact. I felt bad for her, but she seemed tough.

One of the Queen bees of the school stepped in-front of her with her arms crossed to block her way. Her friends follow her closely. "So you're the new girl everyone is talking about? I honestly couldn't tell since you look more like a homeless guy with those clothes on." Becca, the leader of their group laughs at Max. The girls around her laughed along. I wanted to get up to say something to them so badly, but I was just too afraid. I already am a loser in their eyes.

"How original. So you tell anyone who wears a pair of jeans and a sweater a homeless dude? Because that's basically what I'm wearing. When I came to school your mom dropped you off in what seemed like jeans and a sweater too. So are you telling me you live in a box and beg for money and validation? Or are you just acting like a fool?" Max flatly states without being phased what Becca just said to her. My jaw dropped as no one really stood up to her like that before. "Uh- Excuse me?! Did you can my mom a homeless guy?" She snarls. "No, you did that yourself. I'm just repeating the nonsense you just stated to me. But let me spare you any more embarrassment, I just want to eat my lunch outside in peace. Without your chemical nail polish scent burning away my nose hairs." Max states as she looks Becca dead in the eyes. "You're such a bitch." Becca curses as she looks at the red head. "I'm not the one barking like a dog." Max fires back. Her voice calm and unhindered by Becca her loud voice. "You better watch your back in the halls you absolute loser." Becca snaps with a gasp. Max rolls her eyes. "Is that supposed to be a thread? Instead of me watching my back, why don't you watch your mouth? You'd do everyone a favor. " The ginger states as she steps aside and walks past her. Becca her mouth was wide open as she followed her with her eyes. "Just you wait, I'm not done with you yet." Becca yells at her as Max continues to walk toward the door. She kept her eyes facing the door as she simply just stuck her middle finger in the air and walked out the door.

It had never been so quiet in the cafeteria as all eyes were now focused on Becca. Some laughing, some holding their breath. "What are you all looking at!?" She yells as she storms off to the restroom with her close friends. I face the boys again as they obviously saw it to. "Holy shit, she's awesome!" Dustin chuckles as he looks at Lucas who was nodding excitingly in agreement. "Dude! Chill, she will eat you two alive." Mike laughs. "She's feisty, I like that." Lucas grins as he looks at Mike. I roll my eyes as I face the door again where Max walked through to go outside. "Should we follow her? I want to see what she's doing." Lucas suggests. "Dude common, don't be weird." Mike states as her shook his head. "Common, we finished our lunch already. We can just hang outside for a bit. Right Dustin?" Lucas suggests as he nudges Dustin who sat next to him. "Right!" Dustin smiles. "It's like so cold outside!" Will states as he looks at them. "Exactly. Thank you Will." Mike points out as he looks at him. "Fine then we'll go alone. El, Will you come with us?" Lucas asks as he looks at me. I meet his eyes as I felt my head nod softly. Why did I agree? There was something about her I found intriguing. Besides I wasn't hungry anyway and I could use some distraction.

"Cool, common let's go then." Dustin says as he grabs his things and stood up. Me and Lucas did the same as I look back at Will. "I'll be back before class starts. I just need some fresh air. I'll be good." I explain to Will as he looked a bit worried at me. He nods softly as reply.

As we go through the doors to go outside, the cold hit me right in the face. I had instant regrets that I chose to follow the two desperate boys outside in the cold to look at the new girl. We walked a bit further as we saw the ginger haired girl skate on the pavement in-front of the school. She was just wearing her sweater not even a jacket. I was already freezing with my jacket on, but I guess the skating kept her warm quite a bit.

My eyes follow her as she does some tricks and rides in circles. The boys looked impressed as they mumbled with each-other. I was also impressed, by her skating skills and the way she stood up to Becca. I admire that. Lost in thought I hadn't seen that she had changed her course and was riding torwards me now. "Enjoyed the free show?" Max aks as she skated up to me. I felt my cheeks turning red as I look beside me as I see that Lucas and Dustin had quickly walked away since they probably saw her coming . So it was just me and her. Oh no. This was going to be interesting.


//AN: Really enjoyed writing this chapter hehe, hope you laughed at Max her comebacks! Really tried my best haha <3 I love you and hope you like it so far.

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