Chapter 19 - Fears

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~ (Eleven) Jane Hopper POV ~

"So you're telling me that you've been raised in a special lab, with kids who have super powers? Therefore you have superpowers. But all of the other kids aren't around anymore so now they are after you. And besides the people from the lab there are actual monster after you. As in monsters from another dimension. Did I get that right?" Max summed up as she looked at me. I slowly nod as I didn't tell her everything in detail, but I told her mostly everything since I felt like it was important to tell her the truth. Especially after the nightmare I had just now. "Jane- you know that sounds absolutely ridiculous right? Powers? Monsters? I'm not stupid. I thought I could trust you after- never mind. Why make up this obvious lie?" Max states clearly upset and confused. My eyes were blurry of the tears that were ready to come out. "I'm not lying. I promise. Why would I make this up?" I ask as I look at Max who didn't know what to feel or think at this point. I saw it in her face. "I don't know? To prank me? I'm wanting to believe you. Jane, but it all sounds so crazy. "Max replies as she walks around the room to look at the broken mirror and the stuff on the ground. "I know it sounds crazy. I feel crazy. But I promise you I'm telling the truth. I wouldn't lie to you. Not to you, since I-" "Since you what?" "How can I prove it to you?" I asks to quickly move on.

She shrugs as I walk up to her and roll up my sleeve to show her my 011 tattoo. "They marked me. See? I got this in the lab. That's why people call me Eleven or El for short. When they found me I couldn't really speak and they decided to call me that since I didn't know my real name yet." I explain. Hoping to see Max change her mind so she would believe me. Instead she walked up to me and grabs my arm. Her finger going over the tattoo. "okay, you having a tattoo this young is kind of weird. But that doesn't make it any less strange that what you are telling me is the truth." Max states as she looks up at me. Normally I would feel nervous from her touch, but now I was too focused on showing her the truth. It was important to me for her to know the truth- since I want her to be a part of my life. And if I want her to be around me, she needs to know the truth. Since it could be dangerous to be around me. And also- if I want to have even the slightest chance with her, I had to tell her everything. Trust is the key to the best relationships. At least, that's what I keep hearing in the movies. "The door of the caravan." I began. "What about it?" She asks frowning. "I used my powers to open it." "You could also just have been lucky." Max states as she looks at me with her arms crossed. "You said you wouldn't judge-" "I am not judging Jane. This is just unbelievable. I really felt like I could open up to you. That I felt like we could be honest with each other. But now- I'm not so sure anymore." Max replies as her voice broke at the end. I felt one of the lingering tears in my eyes trail down my face. "I should just go." Max states as she wanted to walk up to the window again. In that moment something came over me. I knew if I let her go now, that I would lose her. Before she could reach the window I stopped her by grabbing onto her wrist and pulling her back. I pulled a little harder then I had anticipated since she bounced back against my chest. I met her eyes as she looked surprised. Not in a bad way, but in a way she didn't expect me to stop her and just let her go. "Don't go. Please. I will show you." I state as her hands were resting on my arms since I pulled her back so hard. Her blue eyes piercing right through my soul as she nods slightly. "One more chance peaches or I'm out." Max whispers as she quickly looks away and stepped back.

I pick up my water bottle that had fallen to the ground earlier tonight and put it on my desk. Max looked at me with her arms crossed and a confused look on her face. I focus on the bottle with my hand out as then the bottle began to levitate. I was still pretty exhausted, because of the bad sleep and the burst of powers I used when I woke up screaming. But this was a simple thing to do. Max frowns in disbelief as she walks around the bottle to see if there is any way I could fake this. I swing my hand to my bed, which made the bottle fly onto the bed too. A small stream of blood drips down my nose as I turn to face Max again. She looked from the bottle to me as she was deep in her thoughts. I could see it in her eyes. "Fuck. You aren't kidding." She mumbles as she looks in awe at me. But also concerned and confused. I shake my head slightly in reply. "Holy shit." She curses as she sat herself down on the bed to let everything sink in. "So the monsters-" "They are real. But I closed the gate so we are safe." I explain as I felt my hands tingle. Something about my dream from tonight made me not so sure of that anymore. Max looks at me with eyes I've not seen from her before. "You aren't so sure about that now are you? After that nightmare." She asks as I meet her eyes. I nod slowly again as she stood up and walks up to me. "I had to tell you. I didn't meant to freak you out- I just- want to be honest with you." I explain as tears re-appear in my eyes. "Shit I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first. Thank you for telling me- It just all sounds so impossible." She replies as she came closer to me. "I know. I feel crazy all the time, being one of the few people to know the truth." I snif. "So your family and friends-" "They are the only once who know. They were involved too and helped me save Hawkins. Twice." I explain as I look down at my tattoo. A hand appeared that gently held my wrist as I look up to meet Max her eyes again. "Well- whatever comes next, I'll fight by your side- El." Max states with slight determination in her voice. I look at her with a slight smile, calling me El. "Aren't you ever afraid?" I ask her, thinking back when she but the queen bee of our school in place without hesitation. She still held my wrist, which I didn't mind at all. "You want my honest answer?" She asks. I nod. She took a deep breath before looking at me again. "I am afraid. All the time. I just don't show it. I don't want to seem vulnerable so that's also a reason why I act like such a dick most of the time." Max explains.

"You're not that bad." I giggle softly which made Max smile slightly. "It looks good on you, you know." I state as I rock our arms around slightly as she's still holding my wrist. "What does?" She asks. "Your smile. You know you can be vulnerable with me. I mean I just told you all my craziness. I won't judge." I explain. Her face turned a bit sad now as she looks down at our hands. "I know. And I knew that from the beginning. I was doing so wel being this emotionless asshole, but then you came along with your pretty face and your kind words and it made me turn all soft." Max chuckles slightly. I smile as I feel my cheeks burn up from her kind words. "But It's not the outside world that scares me the most. Although, now that there might be actual monsters out there, it might be a tie." She jokes as I could see tears form in her eyes. She tried to mask the pain by any way possible. By joking. By acting tough. By pretending not to care. While she suffered in silence. Now it was my turn to grab her hand. It made me nervous, but it just happened out of instinct. "Max. What is it that you're so afraid of?" I ask as I meet her teary eyes. She was silent for a few moments. Deciding if she should tell the truth or not. But after a few seconds she took a deep breath and looked me deep in my eyes. Her eyes filled with fear and sadness.

"My family."


//AN: WEDNESDAY UPDATE! I did it. Hope you like the story so far! Really enjoy writing this one. Please let me know what you think in the comments <3

Also, you are so pretty <3. Yes, I'm talking about you. I'm going to start giving you compliments at the end of my stories now too. Because you deserve to be loved and appreciated. I love you so much and remember that your emotions and feelings are valid. <3

~ Your internet mom

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