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episode 1
at her place

Fresh out of the shower, Aaliyah walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where her sister, Rubi, was sitting on the counter

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Fresh out of the shower, Aaliyah walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where her sister, Rubi, was sitting on the counter. She was playing with the straw of her apple juice carton and swinging her legs in the air.

"I made some pancakes and you're lucky there are some left over and they're still warm," she said without taking her eyes off her phone. The blonde smirked then approached her twin before ruffling her platinum blonde hair. When she was 15, Rubi had decided to completely change, she cut her hair in a short bob - too short according to their mother -, and then dyed it in platinum blond. She had gotten several piercings and two tattoos and had changed her style and friends. "Stop, don't do that," she said, laughing and nudging Aaliyah gently.

"Let's eat together, twin. I need your good energy for this back to school day since mum isn't here to do it" Rubi rolled her eyes at the mention of their mother. She was constantly on the go, on business and otherwise, until she forgot her children. The latter had first thought that it was her way of mourning their father, but the twins had quickly understood that this was bullshit. Marilyn O'Brien had forgotten her children. "So what..." Aaliyah looked up from her plate and nodded for her sister to continue talking, which she did with a smirk. "You and spider?" The blonde with the golden curls frowned before relaxing them quickly, it gave wrinkles. "There's no me and spider, we're not a thing"

"But..." Aaliyah's eyes widened as she remembered the parties she'd had during that vacation, with Spider. "It... was just a wild moment and nothing else." Rubi only smiled more before finishing her apple juice. Picking up her bag, Aaliyah put on her best friend's jacket first and took a deep breath to soak up his scent. She adored him more than anything, and often slept at his house, to the point where he had given her a copy of the keys. His family saw her as one of their own and were always happy to see the two teenagers together.

"I'm taking the car and I'll probably sleep over at Ant's tonight" She cupped her sister's face and looked into her eyes. "Rubi, please don't have a party with your weird friends in the house and go to class" The youngest by a few minutes smiled at her oldest and took her in her arms before answering. "I can't promise you to go to class, Aali. However, don't worry, I won't have parties. Have fun" With these words, Aaliyah left her home and took her car to get to go to high school , the music blasting. She was singing her vocal cords the lyrics to ericdoa's Back N Forth, the window wide open.


After finding a space in the school's parking lot, Aaliyah locked her car and then walked towards the entrance of the establishment, where she could see her best mate and Spider. "Sup' guys!" Taking them both in her arms, the blonde smiled ear to ear and saw Spider holding back his own smile. "Hi Spider"

"Hey... you good?" Locking her gaze in his, Aali responded by putting her hand on his shoulder. "Always" The two were interrupted by Anthony. "Oi! That's mine!" Ant pointed to the jacket the blonde was wearing and she looked back at him before answering the brunette in the cap. "Yup, so what if it is," she said, smirking. Ant raised his arms like a child who had just been caught doing something stupid.

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