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episode 3
"I... um first day," the blonde couldn't help but admit. Amerie sighed and then lay down on the table. "See, an idiot..." At these words, Quinni straightened up and then faced her three friends before answering. "Okay. So, "idiot" is, um, ableist language" Before she went further in her explanations, Darren then spoke, with the same sass they always use. "Yeah, Amerie. besides, what's the alternative, stitch up your mutt?" Holding back from smiling, Aaliyah took part in the conversation again by tapping Amerie's arm. "Yeah don't do that, there's plenty of other fishes, like Malakai"

"No, I don't even wanna think about boys or sex or dicks for about... however long it takes for me to feel normal again. I'm not even gonna mazz" The blonde felt a nasty shiver running through her spine and grimaced. "Ew, sounds like my worst nightmare" Amerie straightened up again and then watched the blonde, her eyebrows frowned. "Aali, do you even mazz? You can get dicks and girls whenever you want" Aaliyah smiled. "Self-gratification is always the best," she says before thinking for a few seconds. A smile took place on her face thinking of someone's dick before recovering. "Well... it's healthy too" Uncertain, Darren replied. "She's right" While a silence had settled in the room, the redhead timidly spoke, as if she was talking to herself. "Now, how does someone not think about sex?" Amerie sighed and then replied, unsure of her own words. Neither Darren nor Aali believed for a second that she would succeed in this "mission", heck, even Amerie didn't believe it herself. "I don't know. I'll just... train myself" Darren and Aaliyah looked at each other with a frown, before she continued. "Yeah, every time I get a sexy thought, I'll slap myself in the face" After that, Quinni proposed the idea of finding a hobby, which made the other two even more confused. "Wow," the blonde couldn't help saying.

Wireless earbuds screwed into her ears, the O'Brien girl watched the students in front of her, taking a puff on her electronic cigarette from time to time and playing with the smoke. She was thinking about her awkward night, and morning, and especially how she was going to announce it to Dusty. Nah, actually, she had no intention of telling the curly, even if they had a somewhat complicated relationship to understand, she considered him above all as a friend. No, scratch that, that was a lie, he was Anthony's friend, and... whatever he was to her, but she was still not going to ruin what they had by telling him. It was definitely not like telling his friend that she had fucked his brother, or his sister, it was his father, much worse.

The blonde's rather low mood seemed to skyrocket when she saw her best friend in the distance, on the high school field. She quickly walked towards him before starting to run and then hugged from behind, which shook him, and Malakai. "Man, Map Bitch has really cracked it" The blonde raised her head and looked in the direction the brunette was pointing, Amerie laughing, with the haha club. Damn, she thought. "Nah, don't say that, she's, she's looking for a hobby. I like your cap" At these words, the teenager turned his head towards his best friend and removed his cap to put it on her head, adjusting it so that her ponytail went out through the back opening. Malakai, who observed the interaction between the two, pursed his lips and then interrupted them. "You know, sometimes I'm wondering what's goin on between you two" Ant frowned as if he found this thought strange, then replied with a shrug. "She's my best mate" The confusion on Malakai's face was visibly growing. "But, didn't you...?" It was Aali's turn to shrug her shoulders. "Yeah" Changing the subject, the blonde jumped on the spot smiling and then spoke again. "Anyways, I should tell Ams to try something else. The haha club isn't..." The two boys turned to her, knowing perfectly well that they all thought the same thing. "Yeah, it's just weird," she finished before joining Amerie, running towards her.

The blonde was relatively athletic, she did a lot of cardio and this was a great advantage, it prevented her from needing to catch her breath loudly after running. "Ams? Ams!" The girl turned to the blonde with a forced laugh. "What? I'm... laughing... "The O'Brien girl shook her head slowly while grimacing. "Not the best option" As she was going to continue, the club leader interrupted her, almost startling her. "Hey Aaliyah, um, remember me?" Oh my days, she thought, holding back from raising her eyes to the sky. "Yeah, I do, um, math class..." Where they had sex. "Yeah, I was thinking maybe we could..." Hell nah. Speaking with a much higher voice than usual and an even thicker accent, the blonde replied nervously. "I am so sorry but i've got to go, I'm kind of in a rush. Ams?" Understanding the situation, the brunette grabbed her friend's arm and the two began to run. "Yeah... " Judging that they were far enough, the two girls stopped in the middle of the corridors, near the lockers, Amerie catching her breath hard. "You banged the haha club boy?" In her defense, she was just too horny that day. "Didn't you put it in the map?" Awkwardly, Amerie replied without thinking. "No, Harp-..." Harper? "... um yeah... I've got to be somewhere" Aali frowned as she watched the brunette run away again, thinking about her last words. "Harper, huh," she said before scoffing. "I mean, what'd you think Aaliyah? Of course, she was in this too..."

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