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episode 4

Sweeping her hair back, which had swollen from the humidity, Aaliyah O'Brien checked her best friend's schedule for the umpteenth time before heading towards where he was supposed to be at this time, in the afternoon

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Sweeping her hair back, which had swollen from the humidity, Aaliyah O'Brien checked her best friend's schedule for the umpteenth time before heading towards where he was supposed to be at this time, in the afternoon. The young girl was exhausted, she had to get up much earlier than usual to go to her grandmother's house, living two hours away by car, to collect some things. All this while skipping all her classes that morning, which Rubi had never stopped teasing her about. Sighing and moving slowly, the older O'Brien entered the boys' locker room and overheard a rather amusing conversation. "Go put your clown makeup on, mate" Her best friend's voice was the first thing she recognized, making her smile weakly and walk towards him. "Clown," she asked with a frown, but still with a smile on her face. Seeing the blonde, Ant rushed towards her with a smirk and placed loud kisses on his best friend's forehead and both cheeks before responding. "Malakai's hooked up with Amerie" With raised eyebrows and a wider smile, Aali turned her head towards a blushing Malakai. "Oh, I was waiting for that one" Without meaning to, her eyes turned to the curly next to Malakai and their gazes met. Dusty's beautiful eyes locked with those of the blonde, who was still smirking, before, as always, Anthony Cock-block Vaughn stepped between the two, grabbing the curly's leg. "So, uh, did you hit from the back?" The two boys started acting stupid, making Malakai even more embarrassed. "Like that" Aali bit her lips to stop herself from laughing because the demonstration was so ridiculous. "Or two legs" Dusty said before Ant took both of his legs and stood between them. "Oh Malakai!"

"You Cirque du Soleil that pussy?" Surprised and even more amused, Aali opened her mouth wide before laughing. "Did you slap one on?" Malakai couldn't take a redder shade than he had now, which almost made the blonde sad. She tried to stop the two boys. "Boys," she said softly before meeting the brunette's gaze and offering him a weak smile. Ant's voice interrupted them again. "Guy isn't looking for a woman, he's looking to be a father of the year," he said before the blonde cut him off, a little louder. "Oi, that's mean"

"Did you pull out? Please tell me you pulled out" Dusty's words put a chill in the room, Ant had turned towards Malakai again, Aali was now standing straight, waiting for a positive response from the brunette, even Spider had stopped all movement. Faced with the brunette's silence, Aali sighed loudly. "Oh my... Malakai," she said before sitting down between him and Dusty. "I had to. She was on top" Here we go again. Lying down, Ant began to make fun of the brunette, again. "Ow, can you get me a towel, please?" But the latter seemed to irritate him. "Shut up!" His tone made Aali grimace and as she was about to respond calmly, the coach suddenly opened the door. "Oi!" The blonde quickly got up and Dusty stood in front of her to hide her with his body "Gymnasium now! Wakey wakey, ladies" The boys came out one after the other. "Move it! Come on. You too, curly sue," he said before turning and walking away, making the two teens sigh in relief. Dusty turned to the blonde and gave her a smile and a wink before heading to the gym.

Sitting in the bleachers of the gymnasium and scribbling on a notebook, Aali was in her bubble, she paid neither attention to Spider's many glances, nor to the noises of all the other boys, and even less to Dusty walking advancing towards her. She didn't even realize he was there until he cleared his throat loudly and spoke. "Weren't there this morning?" Slowly raising her head, the O'Brien girl took a few seconds to observe the brunette's face before responding just as slowly. "Nope, I had to pick up something at my nan's" Looking back at her notebook, she didn't notice Dusty nod slowly while looking at her intently. "Yeah?" Several seconds of silence passed during which the curly gulped twice and pursed his lips. Curious, Aali finally stood up, put her things away and then turned completely towards Dusty. "Heard you and Harper got together" He clearly didn't expect her to talk about it and given the look on his face, the blonde almost wondered if he was uncomfortable talking about it. "Oh, uh, yeah, kind of"

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