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episode 5
at ant's place
The sun gently hitting the skin of the eldest O'Brien, she slowly opened her eyes and a soft smile appeared on her face as she heard the snoring of her best friend, proving that he was still sound asleep. His back was facing her and the blonde couldn't help but place butterfly kisses on each of the little freckles on Ant's tanned back. "You smell so good," she said in an equally soft voice, gently waking the brunette, who responded slowly. "I love waking up like that," Even though she was barely awake, she could feel the but coming. "But I just... can't seem to forget what happened" The blonde nodded slowly, her forehead still pressed to Ant's back. "I know, this was so messed up and he definitely didn't deserve that" Before answering, Ant finally turned to Aali, making noise as he moved the thin sheets and laying her head on his burning chest. During the night, he'd had taken off his t-shirt, which the blonde seemed to have stolen. "Aaliyah, you've got to stop seeing your old self and thinking like her. You've changed, okay? nothing's like before, nobody's going to play you like before"

A short silence took place and Ant felt his best friend's embrace tighten around his torso before she finally responded. "You know, sometimes I look at myself and I wonder if anyone would've liked me if I looked like..." Aaliyah felt tears well up again to her almost gray eyes. "if I had the same skeleton-like body, and... and if I was still pale and, and scary, ... with those sunken cheeks and," Before she went any further, the brunette cut her off. "You fought that fucking cunt, you punched that goddamn disease in the face and you beat it. You're healthy and you got an amazing body, a body anyone would love to have. You're beautiful, Aaliyah. And anyone, even Spider, would fold for you" Once again, the blonde remained silent, and when he felt something wet on his chest, Ant understood why. "I hope you're crying because you're so happy to have me, the best mate always there to cheer your ass up, ey," he said, making the O'Brien girl smile, who nodded.  "I love you, Ant. Don't ever forget that or doubt it because if you do, I'll punch you right in the middle of your forehead" Her words made them both laugh before Ant placed a kiss on his best friend's head. "Love ya too, mate"

in high school

Apparently Mrs

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Apparently Mrs. Woodsy loved her students so much that she had to invite them to the assembly every week. She seemed so happy to tell them how catastrophic their choices and parties were. She liked to remind them that the beverage they loved to consume so much - alcohol - was in fact the source of every single problem. Sitting next to each other, Aaliyah slept soundly, her head ungracefully resting on her best friend' shoulder, same best friend who was slumped on his chair like a zombie. "Sunglasses off, Miss O'Brien" Holding back a groan at Mrs Woodsy's words, the O'Brien girl slightly raised her shades and responded slowly. "I have a terrible migraine" Unfortunately for her, the woman didn't seem to believe her -or to care for that matter. "See, alcohol means poor choices and consequences" In a slow movement, Anthony Motherfucking Vaughn removed his best friend's tinted glasses, making Aali sigh.


Pulling long hits on her vape, Aaliyah walked through the corridors of the high school with a quick step, casting glances behind her as if she was being chased -which wasn't the case, she was only checking that no adult could see her. Now, looking behind prevented her from looking ahead, and so it was not a surprise when she collided with someone's body. "Hey," she says, lengthening the syllable and avoiding Dusty's look. Her hand began to play with the hair on her neck nervously as she felt like she was drowning in the bottom of the ocean. "Hey, um, feeling better?" Fortunately (?) for her, Dusty seemed just as uncomfortable, which meant that he was not going to talk about it for very long - right? "Yeah, it was just a... breakdown but I feel better. Thanks for helping me too," she said rapidly and without waiting for an answer, the blonde turned her heels towards her class, not without hearing the sweet voice of the curly. "Anytime"

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