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☾𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒖𝒊 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒆 - Two Weeks Later

"hey" i heard as i walked down the halls with one of my headphones in my ear, ej or lumi didn't show up today so i was planning on being a loner

"oh when u got here?" i looked over seeing lumi surprisingly i could've swore she wasn't in homeroom

"ian get here till the middle of second block"she shrugged making me nod as we made out way into our third period class

"ian even gonna lie, im hella tired, so i might just nap for this period"i chuckled as we sat at our table

"mann me too,where ej at?"she stretched her arms as she sat down as well

"okay class we're going to be doing open discussions today, so everybody up from their tables, i looked over at lumi who was looking at me and we both rolled our eyes

as the discussions began we ended up sitting in the back in a corner, my head in her lap as she played with my hair and scrolled on her phone

"yo where we going for lunch"i asked as i fidgeted with my nails,i looked up at her and saw she had her face scrunched up like she was thinkin

"i'm in the mood for zaxbys" she said i shrugged in agreement as i felt myself start to doze off

Skip to Lunch

"bruh let me get some of your fries" i said looking over at lumi plate, we we're currently sitting in my car  eating waiting till lunch period was over

"girl no u sat there and ate all yours that's on you" she said handing me one fry

"i do not want go to fourth bro" i rolled my eyes as i ate my chicken tender

"we could skip"she said looking over at me as she closed her food tray, i guess she was done eating

"we couldddd" i dragged as i crunk my car back up

"now what to do what to do"i looked at the steering wheel at thought for a minute

"we really could just go to my house and chill and then head to that game later" i said looking over at her to see what she thought

"yeah i'm down" she shrugged gathering all the trash in a bag then putting on her seat belt as i pulled off from the school heading towards my house

i started playing my music, into orbit my alex isley started playing as i made my way down the street steering with my left hand as my right rested in my lap

"you smoke?" i heard lumi ask as she pulled a lighter out my cup holder making me shake my head

"nah that's ej's" i said as i continued driving

"yeah you don't seem like the type that's why i asked"she said putting it back down

"you smoke?" i said quickly glancing over at her seeing she was sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest in the passenger seat

" nah i tried it before but i had a really bad trip and ain't really been the type no more, rlly fucked the whole experience up for me" she shook her head making me nod as i turned into the drive way of my house

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