Chapter 63: The Advent of Osiris

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In the central elevator, Yugi and Bakura were silent. When they reached the roof of the blimp, Isono motioned for the two Duelists to get on the dueling platform that expanded from the floor and informed them of what it was, "now, this is the Aerial Duel Arena."

Yugi took a few steps forward and paused at the sight of the arena. It was out in the open, at the highest point of the blimp.

"We're dueling here?" The Spirit of the Puzzle inquired.

Bakura went and took his spot on the red arrow, and Yugi positioned himself on the opposite side, standing on the blue arrow. The arena then started elevating even higher and came to a stop. everyone else had also arrived, standing below the arena, on the side of it, having a full view of the event that would be unfolding above.

"This is the Areal Duel Arena?" Jounouchi asked.

"It's freezing!" Shizuka shuddered from the cold.

"We're expected to fight in this freezing wind?" Mai questioned.

"Anything to make it as dramatic as possible I guess? I just hope my skirt won't fly up when I'm up there..." Akia shared her worry.

"I'll cover the guys' view if that happens," Anzu reassured her friend.

"I'm counting on you, Anzu," Akia gave her a thumbs up.

The Kaiba brothers were standing at the other side, at the same elevation as the duel arena.

"The Battle Ship is now flying at an altitude of a thousand meters. The air will feel like blades cutting into your bodies, adding even tougher conditions for the Duelists. This will test each participant's endurance!" The young CEO explained.

Some were in support of the idea.

"This is really exciting!" Honda exclaimed.

"Yeah! There's a reason why this is called the Finals!" Otogi cheered.

Others, not so much.

"That Kaiba. Always taking things too far," Jounouchi complained.

"Is he a masochist or something? Because he'll be going through that pain himself too..." Akia added.

The other Yugi stared at Bakura who was acting a bit differently than before.

"How about you reveal your true identity? You're not Bakura," Yugi called him out.

The one possessing Bakura grinned.

"You're the dark personality residing within the Millennium Ring," the Spirit of the Puzzle denounced him.

A bright light shone on Bakura's chest and the Millennium Ring appeared, attached to his neck.

"The Millennium Ring?!" Anzu exclaimed.

"That idiot! He's wearing that thing again?!" Jounouchi yelled out.

"That's impossible! I definitely threw that Ring away... How could it have returned to Bakura?" Honda questioned.

"The Ring's Spirit is bound to Ryou's... No matter how much he wishes to be rid of it, it always finds its way back to him." Akia said in a shaky voice, fearing for Bakura's life. She feared that he might not ever return, since it had been so long since he was in control of his own body.

"You knew about this? Since when?!" Jounouchi asked his friend.

"He..." Akia barely started explaining before Marik, not wanting Akia to say anything that might jeopardize his plan, interjected into the conversation. "Hey, what do you guys mean? What's a "Millennium Ring"?"

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