Chapter 50: Almost There

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"I draw!" Akia drew her first card with her usual overflowing confidence. She then placed a monster in facedown defence mode and laid a card facedown. "I end my turn."

"My turn, I draw!" Seiji looked at his cards for a second then immediately played his first card. "I use the continuous spell card: Card of Safe Return. With this card on the field, whenever we special summon a monster from our graveyard, we can draw one card.

"A graveyard focused deck?" Mai suggested to Akia.

Akia nodded. "Seems like it... If that's the case, this will be the easiest game ever." The red-eyed girl smiled to herself.

"I'll place a monster in facedown defence position and end my turn," Seiji finished.

"Alright, it's my turn. Draw!" Mai started her turn then glanced at Akia's facedown monster, then at Akia, relaying to her her intentions. Akia smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll flip Akia's monster in face up attack position. Come out, Different Dimension Warrior(1200/1000). I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn," the blonde woman said.

Seiji and Reiji's faces darkened a bit at the sight of D.D. Warrior.

"That's right, I remember now..." Seiji told his brother, "that Akia girl has some cards that remove other cards from play, but I didn't think they'd come out that early."

"You think her whole deck is like that?" Reiji inquired.

"Last time I saw her play she only had two or three cards that did that. These kind of cards are rare, so I doubt she has enough of them to make a whole deck," his brother answered him.

Akia and Mai were both smiling inwardly at the subtle change in their opponents' demeanour.

"It seems like Mai's plan to agitate them worked," Akia thought to herself.

"Heh. Not going to attack? Well I guess I'll take the initiative! I draw! I use the spell card: Dark World Dealings. Each one of us has to draw a card from our deck then discard a card from our hand," Reiji explained how his card worked.

As soon as everyone did as the card described, Reiji and Seiji took out the cards they discarded and summoned them to the field.

"Behold! Our Dark World Lords Goldd(2300/1400) and Silva(2300/1400)!" Reiji exclaimed.

Erika and Tori gasped.

"That's how they got us...!" Tori yelled out.

"Their Dark World deck allows them to special summon powerful monsters by first discarding them to the graveyard..." Erika explained.

"I'm not done! Remember my spell card? Card of Safe Return activates! Since both me and Seiji special summoned a monster from our graveyard, we each draw a card." Mai and Akia still waited for Reiji to finish up before they counterattacked. "Alright! I sacrifice my facedown monster to summon another Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World (2400/1400)."

Mai grinned. "Not so fast! I activate my trap card: Torrential Tribute which activates when a monster is summoned to the field and destroys all monsters on the field."

"What...?!" Reiji exclaimed.

"Ugh...!" Seiji grunted.

Erika and Tori squealed in joy.

"Tch... I'll set a card facedown and end my turn," Reiji said.

"My turn now? Finally! I draw-" Before Akia could do anything after drawing her card, Reiji interjected. "I'll activate my trap card: The Forces of Darkness! This card allows me to pick two Dark World monsters form my graveyard and add them to my hand. I'll choose the two Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World."

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