Chapter 97: Yami Bakura's Move

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In the dead of night, some strange rustling sounds woke Akia up. "What was that...?"

Normally she would just go back to sleep, but she had a bad feeling about the noise. She quickly got up and went to her brother's room, only to find him running out.

"Yugi?! What's going on?" She asked.

"The bag with the millennium items and god cards! It's been stolen!" He responded in a panicked voice as he ran downstairs.


Akia quickly ran after Yugi, both of them running out in the rain, not even bothering to put on shoes. As they got out, they spotted two shadowy figures running into the alleyway next to the shop.

"Stop!" Yugi yelled out.

As the twins ran after them, their chase was cut short as the two now familiar figures were lying on the ground.

"That's Insector Haga and Dinosaur Ryuuzaki!" Yugi pointed out, but Akia's gaze was fixed elsewhere.

"Ryou...!" She called out, not understanding why and what he was doing there.

"Bakura!" Her brother said as well.

"Everyone knows you have the god cards. So everyone will try to steal them. Isn't it your job to protect them? Especially against these losers," Bakura replied, pushing around Haga's motionless body with his foot. His voice gave Akia sudden chills. She had a feeling that it was not actually her friend talking, especially with the way he was acting. "Pathetic. Here," Bakura tossed the bag back to Yugi, "take 'em!"

Immediately after catching the bag, Yugi verified that the god cards were in there, which all three were, in the Millennium Puzzle's box. "They're all there, except..." Yugi frowned as he looked up at Bakura.

"Hm?" The young white-haired man revealed he was holding the Millennium Ring, "you mean this? I'll hold onto it as a reward. It belongs to me anyway."

"I see," Yugi stated, "you're his dark side."

Seeing the Millennium Ring back in Bakura's possession made Akia frown. She thought she would never see the Evil Spirit of the Ring again.

"But don't worry," Yami Bakura replied to Yugi, "when the Pharaoh regains his memories, he'll need all the Millennium Items. When that time comes," the spirit lifted the Ring in his hand, "I'll give this back."

"Bakura-kun, do you know what'll happen if the seven Millennium Items are placed in the stone tablet?" Yugi asked what was on his mind, considering he felt like Bakura knew a lot more than what he was letting on.

Bakura scoffed. "Are you talking about the tablet of memories in Kul Elna Village? That tablet is an ancient artifact that connects this world with the next."

"Connect this world to the next?" Yugi inquired, not fully certain what that meant.

"When the seven Millennium Items are placed in the tablet, the door to the afterlife opens," 

Bakura answered. "Do you understand what opening the door to the afterlife signifies?"

"I do," Yugi replied. "My other self, I mean, the Pharaoh's soul inside the puzzle, will return to the afterlife."

"Exactly. That is your mission and I'll help you fulfill it!" The Dark Spirit responded.

"Bakura-kun, what are you..." Before Yugi could finish his question, the Millennium Puzzle lit up and the spirit of the Pharaoh took over, "Bakura! What are you planning?"

"Oh, the Pharaoh showed up," Bakura said in a mocking manner. "Are you afraid I will trick your vessel?"

"Answer me, Bakura!" The pharaoh commanded. Akia decided to keep out of this conversation for the time being.

"Don't be so cold. I'm also a soul who was sealed away three thousand years ago."

"Who are you really?"

"Who know? I've forgotten myself. But I might know if I'm inside your memories."


"Why don't settle this once and for all, Pharaoh? At a location best suited for both of us: in the world of your memories."

"The world of my memories?"

The Evil Spirit of the Ring mockingly chuckled. "You don't know anything about yourself. Your heart is a maze and you're surrounded by games full of mysteries. But the source of your mysteries is the world of your memories. Where lies the ultimate Shadow Game!"

"Ultimate Shadow Game?!"

"You probably don't remember, but you are the one who started that game."

The Pharaoh's eyes widened, "I started it?!"

"That's why, we'll end things there."

"The world of my memories is where the ultimate Shadow Game will be... Fine, Bakura. I accept your challenge!"

"That's the spirit. The game begins once you open the door to your memories," the Spirit of the Ring said before turning his gaze to Akia. "Make sure you're there too, Akia with that insufferable Marik as well. This time, I will make you mine and I will kill him, and there's nothing anyone can do about it."

"You won't lay a finger on either of them," the Pharaoh frowned.

"I'll never be yours..." Akia trembled with anger.

"Hahaha, we'll see about that. I'm looking forward to it," Bakura turned around and walked away.

The pharaoh reverted back to Yugi and the twins made their way back in the shop. They took warm showers, to prevent them from getting sick after being soaked from the rain.

Akia tried to sleep, but the Spirit of the Millennium Ring's threat was bothering her more than she thought it would. It seemed so much more than a threat. It was almost a promise, which meant he knew a lot more than he told them.

That same night, Bakura was not done with what he had to do. He had one more target to get to. He made his way to Kaiba Corp, where he was able to kidnap Mokuba, threatening Kaiba to come out and duel him.

Kaiba, not wanting his brother to get hurt, agreed to the duel, which was later revealed to be a Shadow Game. As they played their turns, they were almost evenly matched. Kaiba then summoned his Blue Eyes White Dragon, on which Bakura commented that it was one of two monsters who could stand against the gods, referring to the Red Eyes as the second.

It was then that Kaiba had a flash of what seemed like his past life, where he, or someone who looked very similar to him and who was wearing what looked like ancient Egyptian garments, was holding the motionless body of a woman with long white hair. He snapped out of the vision pretty quickly, however, and continued on with the duel.

As it was starting to reach a conclusion, Bakura decided to quit the duel, stating that he had a trip to go to, tossing the Millennium Eye to Kaiba, inviting him to go to Egypt.

"This is an invitation to the ultimate Shadow Game," Bakura stated. "If you want to settle things between us, bring it to Egypt."

"Egypt? Nonsense. I told you I'm not interested in occult items!"

"But aren't you interested in your connection with the Blue Eyes?"

"Me and Blue Eyes?!"

"I'll be waiting, Seto," Bakura laughed maniacally as he disappeared into a blinding light created by one of his monsters.

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