Green Hills

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A streak of blue light and (F/C) light flies over a nearby skyscraper, followed by a futuristic flying machine, firing lasers and causing explosions. A man inside the machine, Dr. Robotnik, grunts and leans back and forth to steer his flying contraption. Eventually, the footage freezes, complete with a vinyl screech. "So, we know what you're thinking... "Why is that incredibly handsome hedgehog along with that incredibly beautiful hedgehog being chased by a madman with a mustache from the Civil War?" Sonic asked. "Well, to be honest, it feels like we've been running our whole life. Is this too much? Are we going too fast? It's kind of what we do. You know what? Let's back up." You said. A beautiful island emerges out of a line of clouds, a photo-realistic version of Green Hill Zone from the first Sonic game. That same blue streak of light and (F/C) streak of light races over the island. "This is the Island where were from. It had everything: sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls..." Sonic said. You and Sonic fly through a gigantic loop-de-loop. "Public access to loop-de-loops." You said. You and Sonic cheer in excitement as you race over a ramp, before landing at the tail end of another ramp. "And we never had to catch a school bus, because we could run across the entire island in less than two seconds." Sonic said. "Sonic, we never had school." You reminded. "I know, pretty sweet island, right?" Sonic asked. "Yeah!" Baby Sonic said as he jumped in the air.

You and Sonic continue your journey. Jumping everywhere, running over bridges. "We were born with extraordinary powers and were told to keep them secret. And like any kids, we did the exact opposite." You said. Before reaching a small cottage. You and Sonic roll inside and bump into your sleeping caretaker, Longclaw the Owl. She wakes up, you and Sonic laugh, lying on the floor. "That's Longclaw. She took care of us. She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi... if Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice." Sonic said. "Sonic! (Y/N)! Someone could have seen you." Longclaw said. "No one saw us." Sonic said, then began to run in place. "We're too fast. And..." you hold out two sunflowers. "We wanted to bring you these." You said. Longclaw took the flowers. But then she looks up in horror. Several masked echidnas have surrounded the house, arching bows. Longclaw grabbed you and Sonic. "Get down!" She shouted. She closes the door, just as several arrows fly into it. One flies through the window, straight through the flower Sonic had been holding. Outside, the tribe comes closer. "Turns out with great power comes great power-hungry bad guys. And we led them right to us." Sonic said. They appear through the broken windows, holding nets. Longclaw flies straight through one of the windows, holding you and Sonic in her claws. The echidna continue to fire, eventually hitting the owl in her flank. Longclaw grunts and falls on the ground. She gets up and puts you and Sonic back on your feet. "Listen carefully, you two. You have a power unlike anything I have ever seen, and that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden." She said. Longclaw grabs a golden ring out of a pouch she's carrying. The owl throws it away. The ring widens, it becomes a portal to a dark, different world.

"This world is on the far side of the universe. You two should be safe there." Longclaw said. "We don't wanna go without you!" Sonic said. "You must." She said. She gave him the pouch. "These rings will be your most important possession." Longclaw said. She looks up and gasps. The Echidna Tribe has found them and chases towards you and Sonic. "If you're ever discovered, use one." Longclaw said. Then she pushed you and Sonic towards the portal. "Now, go!" She said. You and Sonic sprint through the portal. At a distance, you see Longclaw, spreading her wings to protect the entrance. "Longclaw!" You shouted as you ran back. The owl looks over her shoulder as the portal starts to shrink. "Goodbye, Sonic...(Y/N)" she said.  "No!" Sonic cried. The ring dematerializes, just before you and Sonic can jump through it. "No!" You said.

Green Hills, Montana

Ten Years Later

"Come on, one car?" Tom asked. He briefly lowers the device and shakes his hand. To pass the time, he imitates how he would track a speeding car, until he accidentally knocks the gun against his jaw. "I'm bored!" Tom said. "Tom? Do you read me? Are you there?" Wade asked. "No, Wade. I'm actually on a yacht in Barbados. With Rihanna." Tom said sarcastically. "OMG... That's amazing, please send pics." Wade said. "No, Wade. I'm at the speed track." Tom said. "Already?!" Wade asked. "How did you get back so fast? Barbados is in the ocean." Wade said. "Hang on. I think I got something..." Tom said as he saw something. Tom grabs his tracking device and aims it at... a turtle. A beep, its speed is registered: 1 MPH. "Hey, buddy! Where's the fire?! There are kids living around here. I thought it was kind of funny, sorry..." Tom said. He chuckles and takes his sunglasses off, just as something passes the laser gun, lying on the dashboard. It reads 290 miles per hour. "What?" Tom asked in confusion. As the young officer pats against the device, thinking it's broken, we see a slightly older you and Sonic, hanging down behind the car. Tom resets the timer, just in time for you to pass it: 300 MPH. Tom is stunned and Sonic excited, doing a fist bu- Err, pump, fist pump. Tom looks around and leaves the car. As he looks through the field nearby, he finds something. A blue quill. He picks it up and looks at it from all sides. "Tom, we need you down on Main Street. There's been a violent gang shootout." Wade said. Then he laughed. "Just kidding, a duck stole a bagel. But they do need it back." He said.

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