The Car Chase

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Tom's Toyota passes the border to California. "So, what's on your bucket list?" Sonic asked. "Me?" Tom asked. "Yeah. Everyone has a bucket list, right?" You asked. "Well, sure, but... I mean, you're the ones leaving Earth and... I'm not planning on dying anytime soon." Tom said. "Oh-ho-ho, don't be so sure. Your best friends are a magnetfor danger." Sonic said. "Oh, already appointing yourselves as the besties." Tom said. "Yeah. Basically." You said. "Little presumptuous, but... I mean..." You and Sonic looked shocked. "What? No, I-I like you two, of course, but... y'know, we're not best friends." Tom said. "You tucked us in last night." Sonic said. Tom snorts. "Fine, fine, fine. We're your best animalfriends." You said. "That would be my dog Ozzy." Tom said. "Okay, let's just drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list, give it to us!" Sonic said. "Okay, there is one thing. In Green Hills, I've always felt... I don't know, more like a babysitter than a real cop, y'know? So, I want a chance to prove myself, under real pressure. I'm gonna move to San Francisco, become a street cop. And... I don't know, see if I have what it takes." Tom said. You and Tom look over to Sonic, his face is frozen in disbelief at what he just heard. "Sonic?" You asked. "What? Wh-Why is your face doing that?" Tom asked. "You're leaving Green Hills?!" Sonic asked. "Okay..." Tom said. "B-B-But why? Why would you leave Green Hills?" Sonic asked. "This may be hard for you to understand, but Green Hills is a small town. It's a very small town." Tom said. "Uh, it's not small. There are hundreds of people." Sonic said. "That's a small town, Sonic." You said. "Shut it, (Y/N)!" Sonic said. You were surprised.

"It's a perfecttown and the people need you!" Sonic said. "Please, I clean out their gutters, I jump-start their cars in the winter. They could call anybody to do that." Tom said. "He has a point, Sonic." You said. You suddenly stopped as you saw his harsh glare he sent you, before he looked at Tom. "Sure, they can call anybody, but they don't. They call you." Sonic told Tom. "You're not making any sense!" Sonic said. "Sonic, calm down!" You said. "No, (Y/N)! Be quiet!" Sonic said. You looked at him in disbelief. You had no idea why he was being so mean all of a sudden. "You come from a great town with great people and, by my count, zerobad guys trying to kill you!" Sonic continued. There is a tank is now straight behind Tom's Toyota. "Besides, what could possibly be more important than protecting the people you care about?" Sonic asked. Robotnik presses another button. A pointy spear appears at the top of the mechanical monstrosity. "Look, I-I get..." Tom was quickly interrupted. The shot is fired. The harpoon flies through the back window, the seats, straight into the Toyota's dashboard. You, Sonic and Tom let out startled yells and jump up. Tom tries to keep his car straight. Tom shifts lanes and tries to maintain his distance from the tank, but the line tightens. A winch behind the firearm starts to reel the car in like a fish. Sonic is still upset. "You know what?! I was wrong about you! You're not the Donut Lord at all! You're more, like, the Jerk Lord!" Sonic said. "Sonic, enough!" You shouted. "It's the truth, (Y/N)!" Sonic said. "No it isn't! I don't know why you're acting like this but you need to stop." You growled. "You're the only one who needs to improve their attitude!" Sonic snapped. You gasped. "You're always super sassy and controlling! Nobody likes that, (Y/N)! When will you realize that?!" Sonic snapped. You looked heartbroken.

Tears threatened to fall but you refused to let them and you looked away from him. "Have you noticed the harpoonstuck in our dash?!" Tom asked. Tom hits the gas, but the spear maintains its grip. When the car slams against the guardrail, Sonic flies out of his seat. Through his side window, he lands onto the hood of the vehicle. "Sonic!" You and Tom said. "I was forced from my home! Your home is perfect and you're leaving it! Why would you do that?!" Sonic asked, overrun with emotions, charging up. "Your body!" Tom said. "Oh no, no, no, no! Not again!" You said. "Hey! Hold on!" Tom said. "Why?!" Sonic asked. "Because I'm gonna do this!" Tom said. He floors it. The spear flies loose and shatters the window. Sonic flies off the hood and, as in a reflex, performs a spin dash into the pursuing vehicle, destroying it and flipping it onto its side. Tom hits the brake, turns around and drives back to the destroyed machine. "Sonic!" You and Tom said again. Sonic curls out of his ball form. He's a little dizzy, but is able to get back up on his feet. "Guess I had a bonus life..." Sonic said. He then sees the tank he wrecked and becomes excited again. "Oh yeah, baby! Sonic, one! Big tank, zero! I'm sorry, did we get that on camera?!" Sonic asked. "How are you not dead?!" Tom asked. "I have no idea!" Sonic sways back and forth. "Do you see me dancing?!" He asked. You chuckled. "Yes, I saw you dance..." Tom said. "Is that all you got?!" Sonic asked the tank. "No, but thank you for asking." Robotnik said. Robotnik presses the holographic image several times and swipes the tank away, revealing a small, spider-like vehicle underneath it. The wheels of the tank are retracting, the camera shrinks in size. You gasped. "Uh-oh." Sonic said. "Sonic! Get back in the truck!" Tom said.

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