The Final Battle

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"C'mon, buddies. You're gonna be all right... You'll be all right." Tom said. Tom walks open to the porch and knocks onto the door. Rachel opens it. "Is Maddie at home? No, it's an emer..." "No, no, no! Not today! Goodbye! Bye-bye!" Rachel said. Rachel tries to close the door, but Tom leans against the wood to get in. "No, stop! Don't do this!" Tom said. "Bye-bye!" Rachel said. "This is important!" Tom said. Maddie appears behind her sister. "No! Oh, my God Let him in!" Maddie said. Tom steps into the hall. "I am calling the police! No, I am calling the FBI! I am calling the CIA!" Rachel said. "Shut up!" Tom said. "I am... I am calling your mother!" Rachel said. "Okay, got it!" Maddie said. "Maddie, can we just..." Tom said. "Tom, what is going on? You're all over the news, I've been trying to call you..." Maddie said. "I've ditched my phone, so they couldn't track me." Tom said. "Ditch?" Rachel asked. "Track?!" Maddie asked. Rachel's daughter, JoJo, also appears in the hall. "Uncle Tommy!" She said. "Jojo!" Tom said. She hugs him, but Rachel pulls her daughter away from Tom. "Now your niece is an accessory to treason! Are you happy?!" Rachel asked. "Would you calm down?" Maddie asked. "Calm down?!" Rachel asked. "Enough. Enough!" Maddie said. "I will not calm down!" Rachel said. Ozzy then appears as well, running straight to his boss. It starts to bark loudly. "Yes, calm down! Stop talking! No, no, Ozzy. Please." Tom said. Rachel look at the thing Tom's holding. "Oh, little lord baby Jesus... What is that, Tom?! Is it plutonium?! Is it emails?!" Rachel asked. "Yes, it's plutonium." Tom said sarcastically. "Could we please... Could we just go to your room and... (to his dog) Stop it, Ozzy! Quit it!" Tom said. "This is why I told you he was no good!" Rachel said. As the sisters continue to quarrel, Ozzy starts to pull at the sheet. "Ozzy, quit it! No, Ozzy! No, no, no!" Tom said. The sheet is pulled away, both sisters and JoJo see you and Sonic. "Oh, catch me, JoJo..." Rachel said. Rachel falls onto the floor. Tom breathes a sigh of relief. Maddie holds her niece by her shoulders."Oh, thank God!" Tom chuckles nervously. "Can I get a glass of water?" He asked.

Time Skip

You and Sonic are lying on the kitchen table. Both Tom and JoJo are standing next to you both. "They're gonna be okay, JoJo." Tom said. Maddie walks to him. "Oh, thank God. They're gonna be okay, right?" Tom asked. "I'm a vet, Tom. I don't even know what I'm looking at here." Maddie said. "They're hedgehogs. Or, so they say..." Tom said. "They talk?" Maddie asked. "Almost constantly." Tom said. The veternerian holds Sonic's wrist. With her watch, Maddie tries to determine the hedgehog's pulse. "Holy..." She said. "What?" Tom asked. "Its pulse is super fast." Maddie said. "Well, that actually might be normal for him. I don't know. You gotta help them, Maddie." Tom said. "I don't know their physiology, but they don't seem to have any broken bones. They're just... really banged up." Maddie said. JoJo, meanwhile, is looking at your rundown shoes as Maddie takes them off. "Oh, look at her poor little feet..." Maddie said. The girl gets hold of the shoes, looking at the holes in them. "Oh..." Maddie said. "Hang in there, buddies. You're gonna be all right." Tom said. JoJo leaves the room. She passes her mother, who has been tied to a chair. "JoJo? Untie your mot... JoJo! Untie Mommy." Rachel said. But the little girl ignores her and walks up the stairs. "Sweetie? Jojo?! I have to go to the bathroom..." Rachel said. "They're gonna be okay, right?" Tom asked. "Ah..." Maddie said. "Like, they... will snap out of this. They'll wake up soon?" Tom asked. Maddie sighs. "Oh, smelling salts. Don't you have, like, vet smelling salts, like for cats or... parakeets or something?" Tom asked. "No, t-they don't make cat smelling salts." Maddie said. "They should." Tom said. "I have humansmelling salts in my humanfirst aid kit." Maddie said. She unzips the kit and grabs a vial containing smelling salts. "Okay..." she said.

She breaks it and holds it by Sonic's nose, then yours. Suddenly you and Sonic wake up. "Gotta go fast!" Sonic said. He aimlessly speeds through the room, until he stops at the kitchen table, looking back at you and Tom. "Where are we? What year is it? Is The Rock President?" You asked."Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy. You're okay? Calm down." Tom said. Sonic then sees Maddie. "Oh, hi, Pretzel Lady." Sonic said. "Hi..." Maddie said stunned. "Tom?" Maddie asked. "Yeah?" He asked. "Can I talk to you, please?" Maddie asked. Maddie pulls her partner out of the room. You and Sonic watch on from the counter. "Space hedgehogs, stay there." Maddie said, closing the doors. "Try to rest." She said. "You got it. I'm great at rest..." but the door closes. There is an awkward silence as you and Sonic are left alone. Finally, Sonic speaks up. "(Y/N)?" He asked quietly. "Hmm?" You asked, not looking at him. "I- I'm sorry. About what I said back in the car..." Sonic said. "I... I didn't mean any of it. I don't know why I said those things. You're a great sister. Not only that, but you're my best friend, too. We've been together for our entire lives." Sonic said. You sigh, then look at him with a small smile. "It's okay, Sonic." You said. "No, it isn't okay! I snapped and I said these really awful things. And I'm sorry, (Y/N)." Sonic said. You smile. "You're the best sister in the world. And I'd be nothing without you." Sonic said. You smile, then you hug Sonic, and he hugs back. "Aw. I'd be nothing without you either, Sonic." You said. You two pull away and smile. The smiling girl walks back into the room where you and Sonic are in. She holds something behind her back. She shows the hedgehogs her gift: two pairs of brand new red-and-white shoes. "So you won't hurt your feet anymore." Jojo said. "Really?" Sonic asked. "Mm-hmm." Jojo said. She hands them over to her new friends. You and Sonic are flattered and a little bit emotional. "No one's ever given us a gift before. I gotta check that off my bucket list." You said. You and Sonic put on your new footwear. Sonic does a stationary run for a bit, as well as a little dance. "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! All right, looking good!" Sonic said. You and JoJo laugh too.

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