Bar Fight

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Alright. Now I gonna check in with Wade, see if he knows what's going on." Tom said. "You're gonna see Wade in that glass thing? What is it, a teleportation box?" Sonic asked. "It's a payphone. It's mostly for drug dealers and fugitives from the law, which is us. Stay in the car, I don't want anybody seeing you two." Tom said. "Ugh. Fine." You said. The cop opens the door of the payphone and gets inside. In the car, Sonic is behind the driving wheel, simulating a race and makes motor noises, while you just laid down on the seat. On the other side of the road, there is a restaurant, the Piston Pit. Several motorbikes park in front of it and several old-fashioned cars run their motors. You and Sonic are getting excited. "Ooooh! Okay, okay, that is the coolest place on Earth, but we have to stay in the car." Sonic said. You look up. Bikers greet each other via headbutts and there's an arm wrestling match. Sonic breathes frantically, before wiping the fog away with his furry arm. A monster truck arrives. "Be strong. Be strong." You said. When someone is doing tricks with his motorcycle, Sonic sees a pair of glasses hanging above him. You notice them too. Sonic smirked, and looked at you. "Hey, (Y/N)." He said. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Sonic asked. A few minutes later, Tom comes back. Tom walks out on the shop, holding several snacks in his hands. "Okay... Not exactly the healthiest meal, but..." He notices that the car is empty. "Sonic? (Y/N)?" He asked. The man then looks over to the Piston Pit, putting two and two together. Tom puts his groceries on the front of the car and runs to the restaurant.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" Tom steps inside and looks around, seeing a mechanical cow and eventually you and Sonic, sitting together at a nearby table, wearing cowboy hats. Tom walks towards you two and bumps against you, clearing his throat. You and Sonic turn around, Sonic is wearing the shades he found. Sonic tips his hat. "Howdy, partner!" He said. You giggled. "I'm not your partner. Come on, we're leaving." Tom said. "But there's a ZZ Top cover band. You gotta see their beards." You said. "Weird enough to catch them some other time. Let's go, get up guys." Tom said. "If we stay, I promise we won't say another word for the rest of the trip, starting... now." Sonic said. A moment of silence, which is interrupted by the appearance of a waitress. "Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you, fellas?" She asked. "Oh, I want nachos and Buffalo Wings... Oh, and guac. Funny word, isn't it? Guac, guac. Guac." You said. "Hey, no kids allowed in here. What do they have on, some kind of mask?" She asked Tom. "Oh, they... Uh... they're actually forty-three years old and, um, suffer from a very rare skin disease, that stuns their growth and make them look, um, like... like that." Tom said. "The face, I was born with. The confidence, I picked up along the way." Sonic said. You laughed. The waitress smiles for a bit, seemingly uncomfortable. "Make theirs a Mellow Yellow, please." Tom said. "Okay." She walks away. Tom takes off his hat and sits down. "You two owe me one." He said. "But I never sat in a barstool before. So squishy! Oh, look at this! It spins!" Sonic said. Sonic swirls around, having the time of his life. "Woah, woah, woah!" You laugh. Sonic stops spinning. "I feel sick." Sonic said.

"Are you having fun? You're gonna check this of the old bucket list, huh? Big night for you two." Tom said. "What's a bucket list?" You asked. Tom sighed. "A bucket list is, uh... It's a list of things you wanna do in your life before you, well, kick the bucket." Tom said. "We've never kicked a bucket either. Oh, we gotta make our list!" Sonic said. He quickly runs through the establishment, finding two receipts and two pencils. Sonic gives one receipt and pencil to you, then begins to write things down, talking to himself with every item he writes down. You begin to write things down too. Suddenly you two stop, you seem sad about something. Tom notices. "What? What's the matter?" Tom asked. "There's so much stuff we've never done. And now that we're leaving Earth forever, I guess we miss our chance." You said. The cop looks around the bar for a moment. "Well, I guess this is the kind of place you can get a lot of living done in a short period of time. I suppose we could spare an hour." Tom said.

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