Car Trip

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You and Sonic have been put into a dog cage. Tom pushes a spatula through the bars, trying to wake you two up. He drops it and holds up the quills he found. It's an exact match. "The Devil Duo..." he said. He turns around and leans against the counter. Between him, you and Sonic let yourselves out of the cage. As Tom turns back, he steps away, stunned when you two are on your feet. "Donut Lord?" You asked. "You can talk. You're not... You're not here to abduct me, are you?" Tom asked. You could easily tell he was afraid of you and Sonic. "You abducted us!" Sonic protested. "Okay, that's a fair point. What are you two? Why are you hiding out in my garage?" Tom asked. "We- we needed somewhere safe, a-and you're the only person we could think of, Donut Lord." Sonic said. "Why do you guys keep calling me "Donut Lord"?" Tom asked. "'Cause you talk to donuts. And then eat them if they get outta line." You said. "Again, fair..." Tom said. "Wait, wait, wait... Where are the mushrooms? Why are we still on Earth? Oh, did... Oh, no! We lost our rings!" Sonic said. "What?" Tom asked. You all look up when you hear a heavy vehicle approaching. It's Robotnik's mobile lab. "What's happening? Is that your mothership?" Tom asked. He ran to the window. "Not in the mood to get probed." He said. "You think you're worried? I'm not even wearing pants." You said. "What the..." Tom said. The hissing truck comes to a halt. Sonic yells and quickly closes the curtains. "They're coming for us!" Sonic panicked. "Who's coming for you? What's that gotta do with me?!" Tom asked. "We don't have time to explain, but you have to help us." You said. "No, I don't! Why?" Tom asked.

"Well, our legs, which normally would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti. We need your help. Please? It's life or death." Sonic said. Tom packs himself together and lets out a determined breath. "Fine. Come with me." He said. He walks away and you and Sonic try to follow, only to fall face-first onto the floor. "Uh, little help?" You asked. Robotnik crouches down by the path leading to Tom's house. With his glove, he analyses nearby footprints left behind by you and Sonic. Tom hides you both in his attic. "All right. Stay here and be quiet." Tom ordered. "Good plan, great plan. We're already working so well together, practically finishing each other's sentences." Sonic said. Tom quickly closes the hatch. "Okay, bye." You said. The sheriff steps to his open door, he sees Robotnik. "Hello there! Can I help you?" Tom asked.

Robotnik gets back up and walks towards Tom. "Good morning, my rural chum. I'm... for the power company, investigating a blackout. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few readings inside your house." Robotnik said as he walked up his stairs. "No kidding, you're from the power company?" Tom asked. The doctor nods. "Oh, you must know my buddy Spencer, we play softball together." Tom lied. "Ah, Spence... He's a good man." Robotnik said. "Yeah, yeah. Oh, come on in." Tom said. "Great!" Robotnik said. The doctor moves to the door. "Take all the readings you need. Expect, uh..." Tom said. Tom blocks the doorway, Robotnik glares at him. "The power companies usually take their readings from outside the house. That way, they can check 'em even when you're not home. Also, my buddy Spencer works for the gas company. He's more of an Ultimate Frisbee guy. So, you wanna tell me why you think I'm dumb enough to just let you walk inside my house?" Tom asked.

As Robotnik continues his glaring, he puts one arm behind his back and presses several buttons on his power glove. Several small drones fly out of the truck, towards the house, unnoticed by Tom. "I'm sorry, Mr..." Robotnik said. "Wachowski. But everyone calls me Tom. Except my dentist, he calls me Tim. But it's gone on for so long now that it would just be weird if I corrected him." Tom said. "Well, Tom Whose Dentist Calls Him Tim, you may have noticed that this entire town has been experiencing a power outage." Robotnik said. "Yep, no lights. Picked up on that." Tom said. As Robotnik goes on, the drones covertly enter the building through the windows and the chimney." Twenty minutes ago, I tracked an energy pulse with a similar signature to the one that caused this disruption." Robotnik said.

They start to scan their environment. You and Sonic, looking scared, are hiding in the shadows of the attic. "Listen, uh, Mr..." Tom said. "Doctor. Dr. Robotnik. But my dentist calls me Rob." Robotnik said. "Hmm. Look, uh, Dr. Robot... skiz... Um... I'm sure what you're here for is very serious, but it's got nothing to do with me. You can ask anyone in town. Everyone knows me." Tom said. "I bet they do. I'm sure you're hellapopular with the Jeb and Merls and Billy Bobs in this glorified gas station rest stop." Robotnik said. Tom's smile fades into a frown. "Bet you go way back to the days of tipping cows and playing in a jugband!" Robotnik said. Robotnik blows raspberries and waves with his arm in an effort to imitate a musical instrument. Then he steps closer. "And maybe someday... you'll achieve your goal of getting a Costco card or adopting a Labradoodle. But the reality is... I surpassed everything you're ever going to do! Before I was a toddler. I was spitting out formulas while you were still spitting up formula." Robotnik said. "I was breastfed, actually." Tom said. "Nice. Rub that in my orphan face. Mr Wachowski, are you familiar with US Code 9-0-4, Title 10, Article 1-0-4?" Robotnik asked. "Yeah, I..." Tom said. Robotnik interrupts. "Anyone... who attempts to aid an enemy of the United States shall suffer death. (lifts his finger) And if I'm the one that catches you, it'll be even worse." Robotnik said. "Worse than death?" Tom asked. Meanwhile you and Sonic were still in the attic. "Okay, we're balls. Just normal balls. We're blending in like balls." Sonic said. "Shh, stop talking." You hissed. "No, youstop talking." Sonic said. "Be quiet, Sonic." You said. "You be quiet, (Y/N)!" Sonic said.

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