Ch. 7 Crossroads

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"Come on Ry, let's get up." I said gently, sliding my arm around Ryann's waist and helping her up. We both were still a bit shaken up from what we had experienced in the previous room. The imagine of the masked man chasing us with a knife will never leave my mind. Even though he never said a word to us I could picture the malice in his voice if he did speak.

Damn masked people.

"You two ready to continue on?" Brennan asked, looking over at the two of us. My cheeks flushed slightly as I realized that my arm was still around Ryann's waist. I removed my arm from her waist and mumbled a quiet 'sorry.'

I nodded my head. "Yeah, let's go."

"I'm ready to get away from that shitty excuse of an art exhibit." Ryann said, her usual sarcastic and playful tone returning to her voice. I smiled. The area we were in now had the same amber lighting as the entrance of the warehouse. The warm light was oddly comforting compared to the bright, sterilizing light we had experienced previously. The walls had a more solid, concrete look to them. My body went on auto pilot as my mind wandered, filled with multiple thoughts and questions about what we had gotten ourselves into.

First a weird house out in the middle of no where basically. Waivers and some whack ass bracelets in case we get lost. A smoker with a mask. A little girl with horns and red eyes that we were supposed to find but weren't told about. Super detailed scary ass news papers about serial killers. A room with a bunch of paintings that may or may not be painted with blood. A masked painter that seems to be really out for blood..  

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I jumped slightly and turned my head to see who had touched me. It was Noel. I smiled at the brown-haired girl and she smiled back.

"Hey (Y/n), sorry I scared you." Noel said, sounding slightly guilty, her smile fading.

"It's fine, I know you didn't mean to do it. What did you want to talk about?"

"That guy was chasing you and Ryann with a knife back there.. Do you think it was a real knife?" Noel asked. Her eyebrows were knit with worry. She fidgeted with the ends of her hair nervously. I bit my bottom lip as I tried to come up with an answer. I didn't want to scare her or myself even more than I already was. 

"No. It probably just was a really realistic looking knife. Or one of those ones that just look like they go into someone but actually don't. Those disappearing type of knives y'know?" I said, trying to convince myself that the knife was fake and that I hadn't been so close to death just minutes earlier.

"Yeah.. yeah okay. That sounds right. I mean they wouldn't actually harm any of us, right? They'd get sued for that." Noel said, her gaze wandering away from me as she spoke her thoughts aloud.

"Mhm. It's all just super realistic stuff to scare us. We'll all be fine. I promise." I said wistfully. I mostly was trying to tell myself that everything was going to be fine. But I had a terrible feeling deep down that it wasn't for me there had been way too many coincidences. And one run in with a potential masked killer was more than enough to tell me that my gut was right about my discomfort and fear about our situation. 

"It was brave what you did (Y/n).. getting Ryann away from that scary painter guy." Noel said, looking back at my face. I felt my face get hot. I was probably blushing. I mentally sighed.

Great. Blushing just because my friend complimented me.

"Thanks. I'm just glad we all made it out of there." I said, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"No problem!" Noel chirped. I had gotten so entranced by our conversation that I hadn't noticed that the person walking in front of me stopped. I bumped into the back of Alex's shoulder, startling both him and myself. I stepped back away form his form, blinking my eyes in confusion.

"Sorry Alex. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I mumbled, looking at his brown eyes. He had already turned around and was examining me.

"You didn't hit your head too hard or anything, did you?", Alex asked, tilted his head to one side.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why did we stop walking?" Alex stepped out of my line of sight to show me. 

The hallway we were walking down had changed. Instead of continuing on straight it split into three directions. There was a shorter looking hallway to the left and a much longer looking hallway to the right. The middle path was an extension of the hallway we were already walking down.

 "Are we going to split up?" I asked, looking around at the other members of the group.

"No offense (Y/n) but that's exactly how people die in horror movies." Alex stated. Ryann rolled her eyes and put one of her hands on her hip.

"Okay but like, we're all smarter than those idiots. And we're not in a horror movie so we should be fine." She said with a sassy tone in her voice.

"Do we really need to split up? I like being in a big group with you guys.." Noel mumbled, messing with the edge of her sweater.

"Yeah. We can cover more ground that way, and hopefully find a way faster. Do you guys really want to go back to that weird painter's room?" Brennan asked seriously.

"No.." Noel said, shaking her head and tilting her head down.

"I still don't like the idea of splitting up Ryann." Alex said with worry in his voice.

"I'll go with you wherever you go then, since you're so scared." Ryann said teasingly, looking over at the male.

They'll go together.. Then that leaves me, Brennan, and Noel.. Shit.

"If you two go together, how are the rest of us going to split up? There's three ways to go and there's five of us." I said, holding up my hand and gesturing to the paths as I spoke.

"I'll go by myself." Brennan volunteered, raising his hand.

"Okay, so that means me and Noel will be together. Are you okay with that?" I asked, turning towards the brown haired girl.

She nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm good with that. Especially since you were so brave earlier!" Noel said, smiling.

"Alright, It's settled then. Who's going where?"

"Alex and me will take the one to the left." Ryann said, pointing to the left hallway.

"Okay. Noel where do you wanna go?"

"Uh.. How about the middle one?" Noel asked, lifting up her hand and pointing to the hallway in front of us. I nodded my head.

"I'm good with that."

"Guess that leaves me with the hallway to the right. Good luck you guys." Brennan said, waving and turning away before he walked down the right hallway. 

"See you guys later." Ryann said before she dragged Alex away by his forearm down the left hallway with her.

"You ready to go Noel?"

"I was born ready (Y/n)!" Noel said, pumping her fist in the air. I grinned at her.

"Let's go." We wandered down the hallway, not knowing what would lie ahead. 

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