Ch. 1 The Flyer & Planning

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"Oh come on (y/n) it'll be fun!" My friend Ryann said as she held the flyer in front of my face. It had the words "The Haunt" written on it in a scary font. The background looked like one of those haunted forests that children would go missing in.  There as a weird symbol in the middle of it. It was a circle with an 'x' through it. Something about it bothered me. The address and ticket price was written below the symbol in the same unsettling font.

"I'm still not sure, it seems really suspicious. I mean I checked the address on the flyer earlier and it says it's out in the middle of no where. Doesn't that seem odd to you?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip. 

"No! It just means they probably have extra spooky stuff. It is Halloween night after all, and I know how much you love a good scare." Ryann said as she playfully punched my arm. 

"I do like a good scare.. I guess I'll do it with you. Is anyone else coming?" Ryann jumped up and down in excitement. "I knew you'd say yes! It's a good thing too since I already bought a ticket for you." She said playfully, giggling mischievously then adding. "Yeah, Brennan, Noel, and Alex are coming with us too. I'm so excited!" Ryann clapped her hands. I nodded my head, grinning at her excitement. 

"Alrighty. What time are we gonna meet there? The flyer said it's open until 3 am." 

"How about Midnight? That'll make things extra spoooky." Ryann made ghost noises and waved her fingers at me creepily. I playfully shook my head and swatted her hand away. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. 

"Midnight will be too late. I at least wanna be able to see on the drive there. Let's pick a earlier time. Do you wanna get food before? We can't run away from monsters on an empty stomach after all." I said, nudging Ryann with my elbow. 

"Yeah! That sounds good. How does IHOP sound to you?" 

"Sounds good to me, when are we eating? It'll probably take us around an hour to get there." 

"Uh.. How about 5? Do you think that'll work for everyone else?" I nodded. 

"Yeah, that'll work I'll text the group chat." I unlocked my phone and texted our groupchat that we had, "ihop at 5 and then the haunt at 7?". Noel responded almost instantly with a "hell yeah can't wait to see you besties at ihop soon!!!" I swear that girl had an addiction to her phone. Hopefully she won't have it out the entire time we're at the haunted house. 

"Seems like Noel's hyped as per usual." I said, showing the text to Ryann. She laughed and brushed some of her blonde hair away from her face. 

"Mhm. Now we just have to wait for the other two dorks to check their phones. Who knows when that'll be." I stated sarcastically. 

"Yeah, do you wanna sit down and watch something while we wait?"

"Sure, but no movies so we don't get distracted like the LAST time we made plans. I felt so bad." I said, cringing at the memory. Ryann and I got so engrossed in watching The Shining that we accidentally forgot about the plans we made and showed up an hour late. The others were good sports about it though, thank goodness. 

"Yeah yeah, I remember. Just tv shows. No movies so we don't get sidetracked like ipad kids." I scrunched my nose. 

"Don't compare us to gross ipad kids Ryann, that's scarier than The Haunt." I sat down on the couch in our apartment and turned on the tv, scrolling through the channels until I found something interesting. 

"Fine fine, I won't compare us to crusty ipad kids anymore." Ryann said, taking a seat next to me on the couch. "Oh! Stop changing the channel! I wanna watch that!" I stopped flipping through the channels and stopped on the one Ryann had yelled about. It was a cooking show. I sat the remote down on the coffee table. I watched the chef chop up ingredients. I felt my phone buzz in my jeans pocket. Brennan had put a thumbs up on the message I sent. Okay good. He's coming. Now we just have to wait for Alex to respond. 

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