Ch. 9 Nina

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(Y/n) and Noel's POV

(Y/n) and Noel were chatting as they walked. Both were in an upbeat mood despite their previous experience in the painter's room. Noel's usual happy demeanor had lifted up (Y/n)'s. As they walked the wall's color gradually changed from the usual color to a light purple. The lights also changed from their usual amber to a brighter white light. It wasn't nearly as bright as the painter's room had been though. (Y/n) and Noel were grateful for that.

"What do you think will be down this hallway (Y/n)?" Noel asked as the two walked.

"I'm not sure, but I hope it's not as bad as the first one." (Y/n) shuddered at the memory. Noel faintly heard music playing in the distance. It sounded like a song she had heard playing in a store or on the radio before. Noel tapped her bottom lip as she thought, trying to place where she had heard the song.

"Do you hear that song too, or am I just going crazy?" Noel joked, glancing over at (Y/n) before becoming occupied by her own thoughts again. (Y/n) focused and they could also hear the music. It sounded like something (Y/n) had listened to when they had their 'weird' phase in middle school. (Y/n) internally cringed at the thought.   

"I hear it. I think I've heard it play at the mall before, if that helps any Noel."  

"Oh oh oh! I think we heard it when we went to Hot Topic (Y/n)!" Noel said with an excited tone in her voice.

"Do you remember (Y/n)? It was around Halloween last year. I wanted some spooky stuff to go with my costume! And that song matched that vibe," Noel said, talking with her hands. (Y/n) nodded their head.  

Yeah I remember. You started acting like you were a psycho in the middle of the store. It was kind of embarrassing," (Y/n) said, scratching the back of their neck as they walked.

"I was not! I was having fun," Noel said defensively, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I know, I know. I'm just teasing you, silly," (Y/n) said, a small smile forming on their face. 

"I remember I looked it up when I got home.. What was it called? The spooky song.. No.. The scary tune.. No no, that's not it.. The zombie song? Yes, that's it! The Zombie Song! That's what it's called!" Noel said. Noel had started out mumbling to herself, saying her thoughts out loud. As she got closer to the correct answer her voice increased in volume.  

"That's a weird name for a song." (Y/n) commented.

"Uh huh. Aw.. It stopped playing.." Noel said, her shoulders slumping over in sadness.

"Hey, we can listen to it on the way back home if you want," (Y/n) said, placing a comforting on Noel's shoulder.  

"Okay.." Noel said, relaxing her shoulders. The two now stood in a large open room. A mirror hung on the wall to the left. Random objects were scattered throughout the room. Makeup littered the floor. Noel noticed something written on the mirror. She moved closer to inspect it while (Y/n) looked at something at the other side of the room. The words 'Go to Sleep My Dear Prince' where scribbled on the mirror in bright red lipstick. Bright red kiss marks adorned the mirror. It reminded Noel of the mirrors in the middle school bathroom. A small, blurry picture of a guy was taped to the bottom right corner of the mirror. Noel couldn't make out the features very well. All she could make out was the guy's long black hair and extremely pale face.

He kind of looks like a vampire.. Noel thought. 

(Y/n) looked over and down at a large purple blanket on the floor. It was lumpy like someone or something was under it. (Y/n) edged closer and gently nudged the blanket with their boot. The lump moved and a girl that looked slightly younger than (Y/n) jumped out from underneath the blanket. (Y/n) quickly jumped back and mumbled a quiet 'sorry' to the girl. Noel quickly jogged over to where (Y/n) was, hearing the commotion. The girl stood in front of (Y/n) and Noel. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in fright at the girl. (Y/n) subtly took a few steps back away from the girl, bringing Noel with them.

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