Chapter 10 Revision

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I pick up my wand and face it towards my face, whispering my spells plus some. I watch as my hair twists itself in an elegant bun and my lips become ruby red. My eye lashes lengthen and darken, making my eyes dark and large. My skin glows healthy and when I smile, I feel confident. Ginny walks in and her eyes go large, "Oh, Hermione, could you do my make-up and hair?"

I point my wand at her and whisper the same spells. Her hair is put in a bee hive type hair with colored lips and larger eyes. She smiles in the mirror and hugs me when Luna walks in, her eyes shiny.

"Hermione, could you do that to me as well?" Her hair is a mess and her eye shadow is bright pink.

I whisper the spell, and her hair untangles into large ringlets, painting her lips a nice plum color and fixing her eye shadow. We all smile in the mirror and I feel my heart warm; this is friendship. These girls were my friends just as much as Harry and Ron. I leave the bathroom as the girls put on their jewelry and go to my closet. I bend, careful not to tear the dress, grabbing an old wooden box from beneath a mountain of books. After closing the closet, I get up carefully and set the box on my bed, before opening it. The diamonds glitter when I pick them up. I smile at them softly; these were my grandmothers' passed down. I put in the earrings, they feel heavy but manageable. Next I try to link on the necklace. My clumsy fingers won't connect when I feel smooth ones grab it. I nearly jerk as Ginny says, "Hold on" I relax and feel the cold metal settle on my collarbones and dip downwards. I get up and hug them, "Thank you, for being my friends"

They wrap their arms around me and hug me tightly, "Let's go kick some ass"

I stare astonished at Luna who smiles and winks before we all hoot and head downstairs. As I reach the main floor, I feel my feet falter as I spot Ron looking down at Lavender. The dress did slim her waist but didn't help her complexion at all and her hair is a messy but seemed to fit the chaotic dress. I feel tears gather at the sight of her and Ron but hold my chin up as I march past them. I get many compliments from the girls and some of the brave first year boys who walk away fast with red ears.

The boys said they would be at the end of the staircase to the entrance to the hall. As we walk I remember I forgot my ring, "Guys go on ahead without me, I have to go grab something"

They nod and keep going. I pass Ron and Lavender and he stares at me with dark eyes but I ignore him. I wobble up the stairs as it changes to my dorm and go to the Fat Lady. She smiles at me slightly and lets me in when I quickly mutter the password.

Going up to my room, I reach to the side table and pull out a thin silver ring. My mother's and father's initials tattooed inside. I smile and slip it on my middle finger, feeling more confident and walk back down. By then it's empty, the corridors and stairs void of people. I step down the stairs when it suddenly moves, "Oh, blast" I say frustrated as it stopped at a lit hallway. I would have to take the long way around.

As I walk I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Before I set my shoulders and open my eyes softly.

At the end of the hall, I see two figures going at it. As I get closer, I see Draco's blond hair and a girl from Hufflepuff, Tracey Gelderon. I can feel anger tickle in my chest so I square my shoulders. Right as I walk past them, I hear, "Granger"

I stop but don't turn, "What, Malfoy?"

"Scram Tracey" I hear him whisper. I feel her pass me, glaring, her purple silky dress snaps as she disappears around the corner.

"Like watching me, don't you?" I hear him snicker and I turn around, glaring at him.

His hair is all mussed up with faint smudges on his mouth and neck. His eyes widen at me, and he scans me slowly. I let a coy smile slip and walk towards him. Nearing him, his eyes trail to mine and stop on my lips, "Thanks for the flowers"

I touch his cheek softly and actually mean the next words, "They are my favorite"

I start to lower the hand when his cold smooth hand grips it, turning to where I am against the wall, "Maybe it wasn't me"

I laugh mockingly, "Don't want to admit you got them for me?"

He leans close, trapping me in his arms on either side of me, "Is your heart going crazy at the thought of me?"

I wanted to say no, just to shove it in his face, but his eyes were smothering me and I couldn't look away, "M-Maybe"

His eyes widen as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close, "Why don't you find out, little ferret?"

His eyes light and a smirk pulls and he lowers his mouth to mine quickly. My body is lit, I feel my cheeks flame and sparks of desire pool down in my core. I moan and pull at his hair softly as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me as close as he can to me, I can feel him everywhere and his scent clouds mine.

I tilt my head and kiss him deep and he moans slightly, "Granger, Jesus"

I giggle, and kiss his neck, letting my mouth attach and suckle at the sensitive skin, "Bloody hell, Granger"

I pull away and slip past him, "Not bad for a mud blood?" I say shakily, trying to shake off the nerves and the desire. My red lip stick stands out against his pale flushed skin as he stares incredulously at me, "I can make your blood go crazy"

With that, I whisper to fix my hair and make-up, straighten my dress and walk away, feeling confident.

As I walk into the ball from the back, I see a crowd around the fruit punch. I frown but look and smile at the decorated ball room when I spotted Neville and Luna talking off to the side, "Hey guys!"

"Hullo Hermione" Luna smiles at me and I see Neville watch awe struck, "Hello Neville"

Neville turns and blushes darker, "H-Hello, Hermione"

"What's going on with that crowd?" I ask, frowning slightly, "whoever it is, people should leave alone"

"It's Viktor Krum" says Luna, "He arrived just as the ball started"

I turn and look over and see him. I turn back around, touching my lips and smiling as Neville and Luna drop into conversation. But Luna notices my lip touching and smiling, "Everything alright, Hermione?"

I drop my hand and blush, "Yes, yes"

"Hermione?" I hear someone say behind me and I turn.

A smile lights my face, "Viktor"


Hermione: I kissed him....again

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