Chapter 16

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I sat outside the library hearing the books being pulled off shelves and yawns through the thin stone called a wall. I took a shaky breath closing my eyes wishing for it to end. Everyday torture was unbarring at the thought and yet it happened to me in all counts. Was I a boy magnet and attracted the worst possible or the sweetest such as Viktor Krum? I opened my eyes to an empty corridor; Sunday sucks. I went to go walk around. I turned the corner and ran into a rock hard tummy.

“Bloody hell” I cursed rubbing my wrist. I looked up slightly glaring but dropped it when I saw Viktor.

“Nice to see you too Her’ione” He said with a slightly accented voice.

“Sorry” I blushed putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

He smiled, “Hey, I’m on my way to Hogs Mead; care to join?”

“Sure!” I said brightly.

“Well then,” He held an arm out, “Let’s go”

I smiled and took his arm. He started telling me funny stories about his old school and how his friends were pranksters. I laughed and ooh’d at the right parts, smiling as we walked merrily to Hogs Mead. My jeans lightly scratched the surface of the muddy ground and my cardigan felt too hot. The sun was warm in the sky as a slight breeze came around. As we entered, we saw tons of casual students milling around looking happy. We went to a tiny restaurant and sat down as he ordered me a Sundae and himself a pie. Then Viktor started telling me his great adventures as a young boy. I was completely fascinated at the stories when he tripped over his moms wedding dress and spilled red wine on her dress, in front of muggles, his father took out the stain without thinking and they spent the rest of the evening putting Forgetful Spells on everyone. I laughed so hard I had to pee, I excused myself and smiled as I ran to the bathroom and let it out. When I came out I saw a mirror; a girl with a slightly flushed face and sparkling eyes look back, her smile was in a toothy grin as her hair stuck out. I smoothed it down and splashed water in my face. I wiped and went out, I saw him trying to give the money to the waiter who was getting annoyed. I started heading over there when I was pulled to the side. Shocked, I looked at the person who shoved me into the empty Staff Room.

“Draco!” I hissed trying to break free.

“Hermione!”  He smirked holding on tightly.

“What the hell!”


“OH its Hermione now, what’s tomorrow? Mud blood?!”

“Listen to me!” He nearly screamed.

I stared as hair fell down from his slick back hair; his eyes were stormy as his white shirt fell loosely around his body. His mouth twisted in a thin line with slightly flushed cheeks. I stopped staring and looked at him.

“My father got suspicious about me having a something with you and ordered me with that Devil okay?” He said letting go.

I stumbled back a few steps and glared at him, “What exactly is this Draco?!”

He opened his mouth and closed it again before looking at his shoes, “I don’t know”

I looked at him, realizing this is the first time I’ve ever seen him so, so vulnerable.

“Exactly, so when you figure out what this-, “I pointed at him as he looked and then at me, “is then we can talk. Now can I go? I have Viktor waiting for me with a bloody Sundae!”

I turned to march out when he said, “What do you see in him anyway?”

I turned, “I dunno, what do I see in you, Draco?”

I Would Love to Hate You, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now