Chapter 23

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Thanks for fanning and thank you so much for waiting


The hall was cool and dark, the kind you find in old horror films. 7 or 8 light torches hung dimly on the wall, casting a low glow to a green long rug and shining on silver door knobs illuminating the darkness. I gulped at the doors, so many to choose from.  But at the end, a golden knob glittered brightly and I was memorized by it, I walked forward, my silk dress swishing around my legs. When I reached the knob, I turned it, the cold touch making a shiver erupt. I opened it and blinked several times, bright light squared my entire vision and then I realized it was day. I walked forward, my eyes adjusting to the light and just stared.

It was a library, big and filled to the brim with books. All kinds of them some had old cracking spines and others looked brand new, they were kept in brown cases with white tiles under them. A love seat and a couch with a rug and a coffee table snuggled in the middle, they looked invitingly comfortable, I leaned forward, enjoying the book smell just far enough for the door to slide past my fingers.

Slam! My eyes opened; startled before I realized that it was the door behind me. I spun around and yank on the door knob, locked. I cursed and kick the door, only to wince as pain wracked my toe. I turned around again and looked about the room; to my left were stair cases, elegant with warm brown wooden stairs, then a floor-to-ceiling window, with huge green drapes tied to the side. I quickly went down the steps, my bare feet making inaudible sound, the wood cool and so was the floor when I reached it. I turned to the book cases, my eyes wide as I realized it went on for miles. It was like I was in an airplane hangar times 5 and it was filled with books of all kinds! I started walking, looking left and right for another way out when the pain started.

My left side of my brain started throbbing, like a dull pounding. I was almost to the couch. Half way, my brain started hammering, my mind hitting itself against the walls of my brain. My legs felt like jelly and my arms like it got stung by the poison bee, my heart beat wildly and I collapsed on the love seat, my vision blurring. I panicked, and tried to scream but my throat was clogged and my tongue heavy, my mouth filling with cotton. Pain coursed my brain rapidly, its stabbing needles digging everywhere. My eyes burned and my nose itched, I felt as if I was being dipped in hot lava and left in acid. Finally, I blacked out; my body couldn’t take no more.

~Draco’s POV~

That stupid witch, I could strangle her right about now. I fought against the binds, twisting and stretching them, but to no avail did they move. I wondered of Hermione knew that if she got too excited or exerted too much pressure into her system, she would have a painful few moments after encountering the Crucio curse so many times, she should be resting but I succumbed over her seductive rage! How impeccable of her!

“M-master?” Trembled Lucy, her elfin bat ears twitching slightly.

“Wiwy! Geft mm at av eerrr” My voice muffled into the pillow case.

“I shall untie you, yes and won’t say anything to Master about this...stuff.” The elf murmured, untying his arm.

I ripped the mouth piece away, “Don’t get the wrong idea, do you know where Hermione went?”

“I may have seen her in the library, yes”

“Thanks, now please tend to the chores” I said distantly and start heading to the door.

~Sorry, guys for changing POV but Hermione’s POV~

The dreams and visions raged and replayed like a broken record;

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