December 19th

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"Have you seen the barrier the other have team built?" "Yeah. It looks so good," I heard two kids praising what Athena's ones did. I would be lying if I said it was bad. It had mini towers and other things like that. You know, completely unnecessary but nice for eyes.

"Maybe they have it good looking, but that doesn't mean that it will be stable. And if I were you I would stop chit chatting and work," I shot them a glare. They both nodded and finally shut up.

You see, many kids liked Chris' idea. We also had decided to work on our snow barriers before lunch and in the afternoon to hold the actual snowball fight. My cabin had teamed up with Nike's, Hephaestus', Iris', Hecate's and of course Apollo's because of their perfect aim they all got from their dad. The opponent team were Hermes', Athena's, Aphrodite's, Nemesis', Hebe's and Tyche's cabins along with Jackson and Pollux.

We were going to crush them.


"SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!" I yelled as everyone were chit chatting on our 'battlefield'. They silenced fairly quickly so I continued, "Rules are easy, hit as many players as you can and avoid getting hit. If you are hit, you are disqualified. The play is over when everyone from one team is out or two hours are over. I should also say that it is forbidden to kill each other, but honestly, who gets killed by a snowball, deserves to be dead. Any questions?"

When everyone stayed silent Chris exclaimed, "Alright! If it's all clear, go behind your team's barrier and wait, till Clarisse will count down the start."

Everyone started to head to their barrier as Chris told them to. Before the two of us separated to join our own teams, I grinned at him, "Prepare to loose, idiot."

He looked at me and grinned as well, "Bold of you to assume, we will loose."

We walked each to a different side of the battle field and took some of the snowballs we made earlier. I stood on the top of our barrier and shouted at the other team, "READY?!"

When Chris shouted at me in approval, I started to count, "THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!"

Many campers ran to the middle of the field trying to eliminate as many players as possible. And I was one of those. I let the command behind the barrier to Jake. This was my time to finally have some fun and I wasn't going to stay behind and hide.

I noticed Kelp head few metres away from me as he was dodging snowballs that two Nike's kids had thrown at him. I immediately made one snowball, aimed it at him and threw. And as it hit him right behind the neck and he jumped in surprise, I laughed out loud. But I had to stop because a snowball from Nemesis' kid almost hit me. "You're dead!" I threatened as I started to throw snowballs at him and eventually one of them hit him.

The battle continued like that for what felt like minutes but in reality it was two hours. The end was announced by that satyr Grover whistling. He counted how many players stayed in the play and when he did, he said, "By five more players won Carisse's team."

Me and my teammates screamed victoriously. I said we would win!

After we calmed down a little I yelled, "NEW GAME! EVERYONE AGAINST EVERYONE AND NO ELIMINATION!"

And the next hour we played a classic snowball fight. I had fun. Though I would had loved to continue longer but even I had to admit that we should stop when only four of us stayed.

I went into my cabin to change into something dry. I didn't feel like spending the next day in infirmary because of some cough. After that I headed to the Amphitheater, where almost everyone were already there. Apollo's kids were singing some Christmas carols, some nerds were reading but most were just chatting with a cup of hot chocolate. I took one cup for myself from the table which was there and walked over to Chris who was not far away from Apollo's. I would bet literally anything that he was quietly singing along with them. But he would never admit it, so it would be just a waist of my money.

"I told you, we would win," I said as I sat down next to him.

"Nice to see you too," he replied. Did he just ignore me?

"You really just ignored me, huh?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"...No?" he pretended to think for a while.

"Liar," I rolled my eyes as I sipped from my cup.

"Yeah, but you love me, so no complaining," he remarked as he took my chin and kissed me. It was short considering where we were, but also sweet. When we pulled apart I laid my head on his shoulder and we just enjoyed each other's company.


So, it's a last week of school finally! I can't wait for the break, even thought I will still have study. At least I will be able to sleep as long as I want.
Wish you all luck!

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