The Mate Bond

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Julie's POV

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Julie's POV

It was after lunchtime when Aphrodite started to whimper in my head while lying down, and it was then that I felt the pang in my heart, and the pain was unbearable. First, I felt like my body was on fire, and then the pain in my heart started. It was like someone was cutting my chest open over and over again.

I fell to the floor, curling my body like a ball, and screamed. After just a few minutes, the pain stopped, leaving behind an ache in my heart. I took deep breaths to try to get back to normal. Nobody came to the room. And I was glad. I did not want them to see me weak again. I spent the rest of the day in bed. I could not shake away the pain inside my heart.

In the evening, Beta Terry walked in with the food tray looking great in a tuxedo. He looked at me with concern. "Is everything ok?" I rapidly nodded. I did not want to tell him anything. "Yes, I was just tired." He knew I was lying but did not push. I got off the bed and moved to the sofa to eat my dinner. "You look great, Beta Terry."

"Thank you, Julie. The Shadows Pack is visiting. We have shared borders. Their territory is south of ours." I looked to the other side and nodded. I was trying hard not to cry in front of him. The ache in my heart only increased when he said Shadows Pack. He watched me, and I started eating to see if he would go to the bathroom like always. But for a minute or two, he did not move.

The food had no taste today. I had to force it down. I knew I could not afford not to eat. I needed to get better and explore the grounds. I took a deep breath when I heard the water running, and knew Beta Terry was not watching me anymore. I only hoped he had to return to the visitors soon and would not keep me company. I did not feel like talking.

"Your bath is ready for when you finish, Julie." He ran his hand over his hair, messing it. "You know you can tell me if something is wrong, right?" Without taking my eyes off the food, I nodded. I wanted to be alone for the first time since I got here. He did not say anything else. He collected my tray when I finished and left, locking the door.

After that, I could not keep anything inside. I felt sick and ran to the bathroom, throwing up all my dinner. I wept hard, like when I lost my family. My soul was hurting, and I did not know the reason. After a few minutes, I got into the bath, hoping it would soothe my soul's ache. I felt better and went straight to bed.

It was the middle of the night when I woke up screaming. The pain was sharper than before. I bit my hand hard to muffle my cries and tried to reach out to Aphrodite. I did not know what was happening to me. I could feel her cries, and I got scared. Was she dying? Is that how a werewolf feels when they lose their wolf?

I thought we were getting better and Aphrodite would not die. Not now that we were here in a much better place and away from uncle Michael. The pain and the burn finally stopped. It lasted longer than before. I was gasping for air. I took slow deep breaths to calm down. And then it hit me again. I screamed repeatedly, falling to the ground and holding my chest.

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