Who Are You?

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Max's POV

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Max's POV

It was late afternoon, and she was lying on my bed, fragile and small. My scent was engulfing her now, healing her. The little wolf had not moved or made a sound for two days. Ares has been ignoring me since he could feel her beating heart again. Of course, he demanded I bring her to our room. But I would have done it even if he had said nothing.

Why could I not have sensed her pain before? I was fighting the mate bond so hard, numbing my feelings, that I did not see how much she was suffering.

I was sitting on the sofa facing her. Everything was a mess because of me. Ares only gave me back control a few hours ago. He was in full control for two days, acting like a beast I had never seen before. He hurt many warriors, Terry, doctor Paul, my father, and everyone who tried to approach his mate. He did not care that they were there to help. He only said he knew what had to be done and took over, not giving me any room to stop him.

She moved and finally opened her eyes. Same grey eyes I thought I would never see again. I had only one question for her. "Why?" Without looking at me, she said. "I needed the pain to stop." I moved to the bed and sat beside her, but she did not look at me. "I have been feeling it for far too long now. Since I was a pup."

I felt a pang in my heart at her words and thought Ares would be back to try to comfort her as a mate would, but he just sat there, and I was confused about his behaviour. A lonely tear fell from her eye. She took a deep breath and closed them. After a few minutes, she opened them again and looked at me with shining pink eyes sparkling like diamonds. They were beautiful.

She smiled. That was the first time I had seen her smiling. "Hello, handsome."

"Ares, what is going on?" No help from him. He was quiet. She got up and walked around my room, looking everywhere. I frowned and asked. "Who are you?" She looked at me with her skinny face and looked at her wrists. They had healed.

"I have been living here for nearly two months, and you should have known it since my arrival, Max. But to show you I am not like you and have manners." She offered her hand for me to shake and smiled. "I am Aphrodite, your mate. But I don't need to say that to you, do I, Max? You already knew it."

My shock was long gone, and I growled lowly at her for the disrespect. I was an Alpha. "Don't like when your mate calls you out on your bullshit, do you?" She laughed at me.

"Now, we don't have time for chit-chat. I took over because Jules was hurting and didn't want to live any longer. I will keep her numb in my mind till I heal her body and soul. Thanks to Ares, I am stronger."

She walked downstairs like she knew where to go. Without any ceremony, she opened the back entrance and spoke. "Let's go outside."

"Ares, please, talk to me." Nothing. I got only silence from him, only sitting in my mind playing good pup. The pack house had so many warriors inside and around it, everybody on high alert, and I knew Terry must have done that while Ares was in control, he did not want any pups to get hurt in case Ares acted up again.

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