Breakfast in Bed

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Julie POV

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Julie POV

"Good morning, Julie." Before I opened my eyes, I smelled food, and when I opened them, Max was waiting for me with a bright smile and a food tray in his hands. "Good morning, Max." Tenderness flooded inside me, and I knew it came from him. I was learning when it was my feelings and when it was his. He sat on the bed beside me and moved the tray to the middle of us.

"Ares and Aphrodite slept outside, and I brought you in this morning. I got you some food, and we could go on an adventure after breakfast. Have you been to the Ocean?" That made me smile at him. The Ocean must be beautiful. "No. That is the first time I have been out of the Woodland Pack. I have been only to restaurants before with my family. But everything nearby the land, my father did not like to go out much and only went out of the pack to attend Alpha meetings with other Alphas."

Max spread butter on my toast, put it on the plate with eggs, and gave it to me. "Well, then today, little wolf, you will see the Ocean." He took a bit of his toast and winked at me. His green eyes got darker looking at me. He knew I was unclothed under the bedsheets. "We are mated now. And I don't think I make you tired anymore. I can teach you how to shift before we go, and we can run till there. Are you feeling your head less heavy now?"

I took a minute to think. Maybe I could try it. I was a Luna now, and I could use our time here to learn. I did not want to disappoint now that the whole pack knew who I was. I felt his hands on my arm, and the sparkles comforted me. "You will never disappoint the pack, Julie. They know you already, and they adore you." I widened my eyes after what he said. Did he feel it? "I can read your thoughts. Julie." I frowned, surprised. "How? Is it because of Ares?"

He played with a piece of my hair. His eyes never left it. "It is a fated mate thing. You will get used to it. Now finish your food, and we can go outside." He returned to his breakfast, and so did I. I had so much to learn. My parents were not fated mates. That may be why my mother never mentioned anything about it.

We finished our breakfast, and Max put the tray aside and grabbed my hand to go outside. I held tight to the bedsheet until we were out, and he chuckled. "Julie, I am your mate. We are mated and wolves. There is no room for shyness, at least not in front of me. We cannot shift wearing clothes, you know it." I shook my head. I knew that was stupid of me. "Yes, of course, Max. Sorry I was being silly."

Max took his shirt off, and I let the bedsheet fall. His eyes got darker, and he pulled me to him by the waist for a kiss. His kiss was not slow as the last time. This time he was hungry. He grabbed my bottoms to lift me and wrapped my legs around his waist. My breasts touched his chest when he put his hand on my back, pushing me even closer. Everywhere he touched, I felt wanted, and the alluring sparks were driving me wild this time. I was not sure what was happening. I was shy and holding the bedsheet for dear life a minute ago.

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