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21 years later

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21 years later

Leo was fixing his hair and looked at his sister through the mirror. "Bella, you know the rules. We cannot mate with any she-wolf in the pack, so we better have some fun in the land of humans while we are here. I am sure we will find many she-wolves out for some fun."

Damon stopped tying up his shoelaces and smirked at his sister. "Did you think this trip would be only business, little sister? Now be a good girl and go to bed and let us Alphas take care of our needs." Leo threw his head back and laughed at his brother's words.

"You heard Damon. Father only made you come with us because he feared we would lose control and hurt anyone at the meetings. You know how those stupid humans are fragile, and unfortunately, we need them to look at our enterprises here." Leo stepped out of the bathroom and joined them in the big room the twins always shared at the penthouse.

"If I did not like living in our beautiful land so much, I would move here and be the acting CEO myself." Damon was born two minutes before Leo and had more control of his powers than his brother, but he loved to bring chaos into a room full of people. Panic and fear were his skills, and he knew exactly how to use them on people.

"Now, enough of chit-chat. Go back to your room. This is a guys' night, and you cannot tag along." Leo got up from the sofa now that his shoes were tied and urged his sister to stop with the mother-like talk. She did not want them to leave the apartment for a night out.

They would return to the pack in two days, and she had already prevented too many catastrophes in the last four days. "I don't have to tell you two again not to do anything stupid while you are out."

They looked at each other and smirked at her. "Cross my heart." They made a sign on their chest and said like they always did in unison. And Bella knew she would soon clean up their mess as she always did.

Winking at Bella, Leo walked in front of his brother downstairs to call for the elevator. The wolves inside them were overjoyed because they would go out and play with the humans. Humankind had a lot of weaknesses to exploit and feared even their shadows.

Isabella watched them leave with a heavy heart. She did not have a good feeling about it this time. Harmony was agitated inside her mind, but there was nothing she could do about it.


A few hours later

Bella felt Damon's hand on her shoulder. "Wake up, Bella! We have a problem, and we need you to fix it."

Bella moved her head to the other side, not really wanting to get up in the middle of the night to go anywhere. "I knew it, Damon. There is not one day that you two leave me in peace. You know Harmony one day will be tired of the work you give her and will leave you two to clean it up yourselves."

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