•~Chapter 8-The "Lost" One~•

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This follows N25's main story but in my super special and not at all cringe way.

Yay a Mafuyu based chapter!! A very depressing Mafuyu based chapter!! Yeah so majority of this chapter is Mafuyu's POV and it's showing her deteriorating mental well-being. Have fun!

(NC/N) =Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

For any vc parts:
Amia- Just Bold
Enanan- Bold Italic
Yuki- Bold Italic Underlined
Kanade- Bold Underlined
You- Just underlined


After our conversation about OWN, Yuki seemed to disappear a bit. She would join our calls occasionally but not always. It was...concerning...to say the least.

I wanted to ask K if she knew anything but never got around to doing so. I waited until after school so I had enough time. I didn't have much work to do today.


(NC/N) today at 4:40
"Heya K. I was just wandering if you knew where Yuki was or anything to do with her.

K today at 4:41
"No I haven't"

(NC/N) today at 4:42
"Oh okay. Just curious is all."

K today at 4:42
"Do you think that Yuki is OWN?"

(NC/N) today at 4:43
"I mean it would make sense."
"The music is really dark and cold."
"But not in the way ours is."
"It just feels like Yuki"

K today at 4:44
"Yeah I get what you mean."
"She's online."
"Should we talk to her?"

(NC/N) today at 4:44
"If you're up for it I am"


We started a group call, not including Enanan or Amia. Nobody said anything immediately. Yuki was the first one to speak up.


MA: "Sorry I've been gone so long."

"Where have you been?"

MA: "I've been dealing with school. Tutoring and such."

"That makes sense."

KA: "You could've brought it up. I was starting to worry. Especially after the OWN situation."

MA: "I just didn't want to be a burden."

"Come on, Yuki. We're friends. You'd never be a burden."

MA: "Friends, huh?"

KA: "Can you just...let us know if your not going to join our calls everyday? It would help out a lot?"

MA: "I won't be joining the calls everyday from now. Maybe a few but not all."

KA: "right..."

MA: "I have to go. I have other work to do."

KA: "Okay. Bye, Yuki"

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