•~Chapter 9-The Secretive One~•

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This follows N25's main story but in my super special and not at all cringe way.

Mizuki's turn!! This is just about Mizuki's secret no one knows about and your friendship with them so yeah enjoy!!

(NC/N) =Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

For any vc parts:
Amia- Just Bold
Enanan- Bold Italic
Yuki- Bold Italic Underlined
Kanade- Bold Underlined
You- Just underlined


Mizuki's POV

"Hey, Mizuki! There you are!" I looked to my right to see my favourite person, (N/N)! If I'm being honest, I wasn't doing the best that day. But they don't need to know that. 

"Hey there.." I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible...but it wasn't as possible as I thought. They sat next to me, a concerned looked over their face. We were in an empty classroom, mine to be specific, I didn't really want to leave.

"Hey...what's up, dude?" They asked me. I stayed quiet. They sighed and put their hand on my shoulder.

"Did something happen? Someone say something?" I didn't respond but I looked away. I started tearing up.

This was the first time anyone had ever really cared for my wellbeing. Well...other than him but that's besides the point. People were talking about me, people from my middle school. They were talking about me being the "secretive" one at school, me skipping school most of the time, my relationship with my "rooftop friend".

"Oh, God, Mizuki.." The pulled my around and into a hug. I started crying. This was what I needed, just a hug, and someone to be with me, to comfort me, keep me company.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." I blubbered. I never really let anyone get close to me like this, since I always felt like a burden. They shushed me and just held me while I cried.

"It's okay...it's all okay." It wasn't okay, but hearing them say it made everything feel better. I gave in and told them everything. I mean everything. The gossip, my "rooftop friend", my past, present and predicted future. Everything. 

They listened. And didn't say a word until I had finished speaking. They were my best friend and one of the only two people I knew I could really confide in. When I finished, we sat in silenced for a bit, until I started to calm myself down. Then, they started to speak.

"Thank you...for telling me this. It's really sweet to know that you trust me enough to tell me all of that. I mean, I'm one of two. And about that gossip...I'm gonna need some names and faces. They're gonna get a piece of my mind..." I giggled at their reaction.

"But all jokes aside, I really don't mind about who you are, were, or will be. You're my friend and I love you for you. Don't ever feel ashamed of the person you are, even if you don't like that person." I nodded and they clutched onto my hand, in a comforting manner.

"Thank you...for listening. I've never told anyone about this, except for you. My 'rooftop friend' already knew." They smiled at me.

"Oh please, tell me more about this 'rooftop friend' of yours." I giggled.

I feel a lot better about around them. They're so sweet and comforting. I trust them with everything.

I don't have be the secretive one around them.


It's the next day and still, I'm sat in my empty classroom. (N/N) wasn't in school today, no one knows or needs to know why. I heaved a sight and stared at my uneaten lunch. I was expecting something to happen...but it never did. I pushed my food out of my way and rested my head on the desk. I turned it so I was looking out of the window. 

I saw my other classmates outside and started to wonder "Would life be better if I was like them?"

I've thought about this a lot. My only conclusion is....non-existent right now. I love my life but hate my identity. If I could have my exact life but be a different person entirely, I wouldn't be here. Thinking about all this. 

"And there they are."

I heard a very familiar voice, coming for the direction of the door. I closed my eyes and grinned, not looking over at him.

"Mr. Kamishiro."

"Miss Akiyama."

Rui Kamishiro. My rooftop friend. The only person, other than (N/N), I could talk to about my secret and identity. He pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

"I talked to your other friend, (L/N), was it? They said that you weren't doing okay and I had to come check on you." I turned my head to the other side, still resting it on my arms.

"You talked to them, huh?" He nodded. I adverted my gaze from him and started to stare back at my food, still not eaten. A small group of girls, that I recognised from middle school, walked past my classroom. They were talking about me...again. 

"Did you hear about Akiyama?"

"She's so weird. Honestly I liked her more in middle school!"

"Is that even possible? She's was so weird back then as well."

They came in the room, not noticing me and Rui towards the back. They just kept going.

"To be honest, her friends are even weirder!

"Oh, my God, her friends are all freaks!"

"They're talking about me, aren't they?" Rui muttered. I nodded and hummed in agreement. I could see where this was going. He grumbled a bit, cursing at those girls under his breath. One of them noticed that me and Rui were in here.

"Guys, guys." She said, nodding her head in our direction. The two others looked at us in slight shock. They chuckled before leaving, awkwardly. I groaned and slammed my forehead into my forearms.

"I hate all this gossip. I just...want to be able to be open with everyone. But if I even try, nobody will understand or even listen, at that." He nodded and took my hand in his. 

"I know. Everything will work out in the end." He whispered. I sighed and looked up at him.

I'm sick of being "the secretive one".

But no one needs to know that...

•~Night Classes-Ena Shinonome x Reader~•Where stories live. Discover now