~•Chapter 11-The Determined One•~

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This follows N25's main story but in my super special and not at all cringe way.

It's time. Ena's chapter.
Also as a pre warning (?) in this chapter, Ena gets angry and starts getting all mean about Mafuyu's suicidal thoughts (if that's what we're calling them). So there's that.
Also I gave Ena a fake social media account. Who knows what social media its is tho? Only Ena and Mizuki ig?
Also I gave Akito and Ena a nice sibling moment.

Have fun!

(NC/N) =Nightcord Name
Example: Someone #1234

Example: K, Enanan, Amia, Yuki

For any vc parts:
Amia- Just Bold
Enanan- Bold Italic
Yuki- Bold Italic Underlined
Kanade- Bold Underlined
You- Just underlined


Ena's POV

"Annnd...that's it! Perfect!"
I said, setting my paintbrush down and admiring my newest painting.

I pulled out my phone, snapped a picture and sent it to our N25 group chat.

Enanan: *Picture*
Enanan: How is it???
Yuki: It's great, Enanan.
Enanan: You think so?
Yuki: Yes.
Yuki: I really like your art, Enanan.
Enanan: Really?
Enanan: Thanks Yuki!

Screw her. She doesn't care for my art. She never has. She doesn't care for anyone. No one except herself and all that shit about wanting to 'disappear'. It's so stupid. Why did she even tell me that? Out of all the people she could vent to.

I turned off my phone and cleaned up as a way to distract myself. After packing everything up, I felt overly hungry.

"What time is it?" I muttered, picking my phone up to check the time.
"7:48pm..." I muttered again, realising that I didn't eat all day. I sighed and walked to my brother's room.

"Hey, Akito~" I called out to him. He groaned and spun round in his chair.
"Do you have the money?" He asked, already knowing what I was going to ask.
"Not this time..but—" He cut me off, spinning back round in his chair.
"Ena, I'm not going unless you pay this time."
I let out a little 'hmph' and stomped off to my room. Screw him...

I changed into some better clothes and scrolled through my social media. Nothing really interesting has happened recently. Just some normal N25 stuff and not much on my art account.

I posted the picture I sent to the group chat on my art account. Then I switched to my personal account.

It took a while to get the right angle but I did and got a good picture. I edited it a bit and posted it. And, about 2 minutes after posting, I got a like and a comment.

<Ena how are you so pretty?!?>

I chuckled and replied.

<Practice makes perfect ♪>

Then a hate comment popped up.

<She's just some poser. You can tell how photoshopped this is>

I was going to reply but noticed a familiar person reply before I could.

<Watch your back while you can't watch hers>

I chuckled again. Amia. They normally came to my personal account when I post, to check for hate comments.

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