Where it all Started

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Her POV:

We stare at each other until we snap back into reality. "What have we done" I say back at him. "I don't know any more he responds". We both look down at the dead body that lays before us then we look back at each other in fear. "I'm gonna be sick", He says. He throws up before me as I get pale faced. "We have to clean this up" I say to him. He doesn't answer me its like hes stuck in his mind. "I said we have to-" that's when he cuts me off. "I Heard you" he lets out angrily.

"Its not my fault", I say. That was a fact it wasn't mine nor his fault. I just felt like he didn't understand this. "I know" he says. "I just really cant do this right now, I don't know how you are still holding up". "I don't know either." Its not like this happened to me before but for some reason I guess I was too caught up in the moment to even care anymore.

I start cleaning it up as he turns his head because he cant bear to even look at me. "You need to help me I let out with a groan." I almost started gaging with the smell. He doesn't answer me. "look this is really hard on me too its not like ima robot with no emotions, that's when a cry starts to get out because I cant hold it in anymore. I guess this whole moment just got to me and its hard doing this on my own.

His POV:

I was avoiding staring at the dead body lying on the ground I just couldn't take it but then she started talking so I looked at her and the dead body. It was a lot to take in. I stare at her blank. Its not like we know each other I don't even know her name. We are complete strangers in a weird ass situation like this. The thing that really got me though was her crying. That's when I got up and helped her. Seeing someone cry like that just really makes me sad. "You need a hand" I say. she lets out a sad "thank you".

I nod and help her move the body into a big trash bag. Then I help her clean up the blood. "Are you okay?", I say she nods and continues cleaning up the blood.

I know u don't wanna talk right now but just know im here for you. Heck we both have to go through this hell together if we like It or not. Then a tear goes down her face and she stops cleaning for a bit and looks me straight in the eyes.

"yes but im the one who shot that man" she says as tear start going down her face faster than bullets. "But it was out of self-defense right", I say with a worried tone. Then we just sit there for a bit in silence.

We walk outside from the old rundown apartment and stuff the body in the back of my trunk. Then we get in the car.

Before we leave, I gave the guy the key at the window. "Im never coming back here again" I say to her as we get in the car. "Never" she responds.

I start up the car and reach behind my seat to grab her a bottle of water. I could tell she needed it. I hand it to her. She looks at me with a sad face. "Thanks", She says to me as she sips the water. "I'm really sorry she lets out". "No stop" I say. Stop being sorry we are in this together and you know it.


He says to me we are in this together, but this is different from the beginning. Its like hes a whole other person and I like this side of him. It's a sweet and caring side.

"My names Marinette but short for Mari" I let out with a smile. He looks at me and then looks back at the road. Almost like he took a quick stare. He smiles back "Im Adrien short for well Adrien of course."

"Well thanks for everything, I really couldn't do this on my own" I say looking at him. Hes a blonde with green eyes. Green almost like a black cat green. There are really pretty in the night.

Adrien's POV

When I look at her I see the glow in her eyes they are dark beautiful blue eyes. Almost like her hair a midnight blue color. It glistens in the dark night sky.

I stared at her a couple times as she looks out the window looking at the dark mysterious moonlight. I don't know how she does it. Its almost like the whole day was just washed away. The horror of the whole day is just gone. I wish that were the same for me

But its like every time I Blink I see it, blood, a dead body lying on the ground in the dark unlit apartment.

"ADRIEN" she screams as I run into a deer on the road.

I hear a voice calling my name, "Adrien, Adrien, please wake up are you okay"

All I hear is a ringing and my eyes open but all I see is blurriness

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