"He looks Dead"

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Marinettes POV

Me and Adrien are skewering in fear as we see someone jump out of the bushes. When will this night ever end, I say to myself. This person is wearing all black.

Then I see the mysterious person put his hood down. I see his face and It looks so similar to Adrien's.

Who is that? "Felix!?!", Adrien screams. Adrien gives this Felix guy a big hug. I look at them in confusion, they look so similar like twins. "Who are you", I outburst."

"Oh, Marinette this is my cousin Felix", Adrien tells me. "You two look so alike", I say. "Yeah, we get that a lot", Adrien says with no mercy.

Then Felix makes his way over to me and says," Hello, miss Marinette, what a beautiful name", he tells me as he kisses my hand. I stand there dumbfounded. "Adrien, you never told me about her," Felix says with heart eyes.

"Okay Felix stop flirting with Marinette", Adrien says to Felix a little pissed off. "Why, is she yours I don't see no ring", Felix says with his dumb beautiful rich accent.

I pulled my hand away from his grip. Not gonna lie Felix wasn't so bad looking himself. He basically looks just like Adrien but with his hair slicked back. "Well, is she?", he asks for a second time. "Well no," Adrien says a little sad. The way Adrien said that I questioned if he likes me.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm already taken", I say with a lie in my eyes. Adrien comes over and whispers "are you really" I whisper back no, and I see a smile start to grow from his face. "What are you too whispering about", Felix questions. "Oh nothing" Adrien says as he lets out a giggle.

Adrien's POV

I was so happy to hear that Marinette is single, my face just lit up like fire. I couldn't hide it and I knew she saw my facial expression. "Felix why are you here, must I ask", I say not ready to know the answer to this question. "Well, It's a secret ", He said as he winked at Marinette. I got so mad at him after that.

"Well, it's a good thing you're here Felix because we need your help", I let out with desperation. "What is it this time Cuz", he replies as he looks puzzled. "well..." I open up the trunk to reveal a body bag. "Oh heavens Adrien what is that stench" Felix replies. I look at Mari unable to look in the trunk myself. I catch a whiff of it and start puking. Marinette comes over and comforts me as I throw up in the grass.

"Sorry Marinette", I say with sorrow in my eyes. "It's okay Adrien", Her comforting words make me feel like new already. Marinette goes over to the bag and pulls it out onto the floor. I just see Felix looking dead on the inside. "Oh my God Adrien, what did you do", he says disappointed. "I start to explain but Marinette cuts me off." "He didn't do anything, it was all me," a tear goes down her face. "Marinette stop, it was both our faults." Felix just looks at us in shock. "So, you going to help", I say to Felix while throwing him a shovel.

Marinettes POV

After a bit we all finished digging and dropped the bag into the hole we made for it. I started filling the hole with dirt but then started crying while doing it. The boys just stood there until Adrien came over and I cried into his arms. I tried to stop but I couldn't, the tears just kept coming and coming. After a while I stopped sobbing and Adrien took me to this place on a cliff. We sat on the cliff as Felix shoveled the rest of the dirt in the hole over the body.

The stars were so beautiful at this spot as they glistened in the dark starry night. Then Adrien started talking, "You know I used to come here a lot as a child." "Really", I respond. "Yeah, It got my mind off of things." "Thanks for this Adrien", I say. "No problem, Marinette", He says back.

"No, I really mean thank you. If you weren't there when that..." "Marinette", He says as he cuts me off. "Adrien, I'm serious just let me finish. If you weren't there when that guy was attacking me in my apartment." "Marinette, No you're the real hero, if you didn't save me when he pulled that knife on me, I could have died."

"But it was my fault I let the guy in my apartment." "No, it wasn't your fault, a rando going into your apartment trying to kill you or do God no what with you isn't you fault. I saw you needed help, so I ran in there and helped you. You shoot him because of me, I could have died so you shoot him. Now never say it's your fault again", Adrien screams. I was so surprised by what he said I couldn't speak. All I knew is that I love this man. With his beautiful blonde hair and deep green eyes. Hes so... irresistible. But I did know it was my fault he could try to convince me countless times, but it will still be my fault.

"I don't know what to say Adrien", I say baffled. "You don't have to say anything", he says as he smiles at me. In this moment we just sit there taking in the beautiful sky then we look at each other dead in the eyes. I just feel the tension between us, and I can't take it any longer.

Adrien's POV

Me and Marinette were just staring at each other, and I just wanted to kiss her. So, I started to lean In and she did too we both closed our eyes. "THUD", we hear.

Both of our eyes widen, and we look behind us. The thud sounded like a shovel being thrown or something like that. "Oh no Felix", I shout as we both got up and started running towards the woods.

We ran over to where we left him last, and nothing was there but a shovel on the ground.

"I thought this was over", I say with sorrow in my voice. "Adrien, I don't think this will ever be over", Mari says as Shes scared shitless. We both look at the ground and see a trail of blood, at the end of the trail we see Felix laying on the ground. "He looks dead", I let out scaredly. "I'm sure Hes not", Mari says as she goes over to check his pulse.

She always has faith in things even in the worst of moments, that's what I like about her.

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