Chapter 2: A Ruby

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Without an accurate way to keep track of time, you don't know how long passed as you made your way out of the wilds and into the city known as Vale. You guessed it was a city, judging from the lights that light up the horizon, but looking down at the splendor of the foreign architecture has your breath taken away. Entering from the outskirts, you marvel at the cobbled roads and paved sidewalks made of concrete.

Bright round lanterns lit up the city atop poles of iron while parked along the sidewalk were strange metal chariots you had never seen before. The buildings were also familiar yet alien, as they were still made of brick and mortar, yet their interiors looked far from what you're used to back home. The only article missing to complete this discovery is the people. Where was everyone? With all of these buildings in this enormous city, one could expect vibrant nightlife from it. Yet, the streets were void of any life.

As if your thoughts are being read, you round a corner and find an entire street full of people. They are all worried and fearful as they quickly scatter into nearby alleys and buildings, some glancing in your direction but continuing to leave the area. You soon learn the source of the hysteria as you see a group of men walking down the center of the street. The one at the front wore a funny hate and white jacket, walking with a cane and a roll of what looked like pipeweed in his mouth.

They head into a nearby storefront, at least you assume so, judging by the brightly lit interior. The words "From Dust Till Dawn" are painted over the doorway and windows. You watch as the gang of men approaches while what you assume to be the leader says some words to an old shopkeep. Like the people outside, he becomes terrified and pleads with them. The lackeys of the man in white break off, using strange cylinders to siphon bright-colored dust from feeding tubes.

You didn't like this one bit. You reach for your sword, pulling it from its sheath as you hide from the shop's windows. You had never clashed swords with men before unless it was sparring with your brother or father. But you had decades' worth of experience facing the forces of Mordor and beyond; you were no greenhorn. Then, while hyping yourself up, glass shatters from the store as one of the gang lackeys tumbles along the road. On top of him, a young girl wearing a red cloak and black dress stands before hopping off. She draws a massive red scythe, a weapon that looks far too large for someone her size! Why does she seem so familiar...

It clicks, Shelob's vision! But didn't she tell you to seek out 'the girl in red'? Could this be her?

"Okay, get her!" You hear from inside the store, watching three gang lackeys run out of the store and towards the girl. Springing into action, you sprint forward and toss a dagger into the shoulder of one of the men. It hits him in the shoulder, stopping him for a moment. You throw your shoulder into him, knocking him away and across the sidewalk. He is unconscious from what you see. The girl spins around her weapon, her feet kicking one of the remaining two into the air while the last aims a strange crossbow in your direction. Remembering all those Legendary Marksmen you had to face; you channel your Wraith as you quickly dash around his projectiles and right to him. The hilt of Oathbreaker lands in his temple, sending him toward the leader in white, who is now outside as well. The girl hops beside you, smiling as she nods in gratitude for your help.

"You were worth every cent. Truly you were." He sarcastically remarks before looking at both you and the girl. "Well, Red and Green, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening. But, unfortunately, as much as I'd love to stick around, I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

Lifting his cane, the end flips up, and he fires two flaming projectiles toward you and her. The girl uses her weapon to launch herself into the sky while you slice your sword vertically and split the projectile, sending its halves exploding into the street behind you. Looking back, you see he has disappeared, and so does she while returning with a graceful landing.

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